Google Play Store’s new safety section to tell how much data an app collects & why

Google Play safety section

Google Play safety section

Google Play Store

Google debuted a safety section in Google Play. The feature will help users understand which apps gather and distribute their data. The feature will help users get a better grasp of data confidentiality. Read to know all about it.

What is the safety section in Google Play?

Months after Apple debuted a safety section in its App Store, Google Play releases a similar feature. “Today, we’re announcing additional details for the upcoming safety section in Google Play. At Google, we know that feeling safe online comes from using products that are secure by default, private by design, and give users control over their data,” said Google in its blog post

According to Google’s release, all apps on the Google play store will be required to publish safety and privacy-related information. Google will allow developers to submit this data starting October 2021. However, this change is not immediate and the firm will give developers ample time to make these changes. Hence, developers have until April 2022 to submit data or make changes. Moreover, apps that update without this section will no longer be allowed on the platform.

How will this feature help you?

Digital privacy and safety are valuable assets in the digital age. Through this feature, you can know which apps collect your data, why, and how. Moreover, you can access this information before you install the app on your device. The safety feature will also prove developers with an easy way to showcase the overall safety of their app. Additionally, they can also provide users with a thorough insight into security and privacy practices they follow.

As per the shared designs, the new safety section can be accessed by tapping into the summary. This section will showcase the types of data collected by the developers and if they use data encryption or other security services. Moreover, it will also display additional certification against a global security standard.

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