Woman who got Trump tattoo on forehead is now seeking financial help to have it removed

A fervent supporter of Donald Trump, who made headlines worldwide for tattooing the former President’s name on her forehead, is now seeking financial help to have it removed.

Rain Monroe, a 21-year-old content creator, captured global attention last month with her bold display of devotion to the Republican Party’s presidential candidate. However, Monroe now admits that the backlash has been overwhelming, prompting her to consider spending thousands to erase the controversial inking.

“The hate from people has affected me,” Rain, originally from the UK, revealed. “I am raising money for the removal to be able to remove it. It can cost up to $5,000 (£3,814 approx.),” she said, according to Jam Press.

A cry for help on social media

In a series of Instagram posts this week, the self-proclaimed ‘Trump enthusiast’ was seen holding a sign that read, ‘Need money for tattoo removal.’ With Trump’s name still prominently displayed on her forehead, she filmed herself in various locations around London, asking strangers to contribute to her cause.

Rain’s plea has elicited a spectrum of responses. One supporter urged, “Don’t remove it! Best tattoo ever.” Another fan added, “Keep it! You’re a legend now.” Conversely, critics were less sympathetic. One commenter remarked, “She just did this for clout and now she wants it removed. That’s funny you can keep it girly.” Another proposed, “Let her live with her decision.”

Weighing her options

Despite the criticism, Rain remains undecided about the removal. “I’m not getting the tattoo removed [yet] – just weighing my options to see what’s best for me moving forward. But I also have so much support, so that’s why I don’t know [if I’ll remove it] yet. I love my supporters,” she confessed.

Public stunts and second opinions

In one poignant photo, Rain is seen sitting on the ground in a public area, looking despondent with her handwritten sign. In another video, two women approach her to verify if the tattoo is real. Rain asks, “Would you get a Trump tattoo on your forehead for a million pounds?” One woman replied, “Make it 10 million and then maybe,” while another simply said, “Never.”

Rain got the tattoo at an East London studio. In a recent post, she clarified, “Still proud of my Trump tattoo, but exploring my options. Been getting some second opinions from my therapist about whether to keep it or consider removal. No regrets, just turns out I’m a Bad B.”

As Rain navigates through the consequences of her bold decision, her story continues to unfold, capturing the curiosity and opinions of people worldwide.

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