Why Russian athletes are competing under the ROC at the Olympics

ROC team

ROC team

ROC team

Russia has been one of the top sporting countries across the world. However, they compete in the Olympics under the ROC instead of Russia because Russia is ‘banned’ from the Tokyo Olympics. Read to know why!

What is the ROC?

The acronym ROC stands for Russian Olympic Committee. It is a neutral name that allows qualified players to participate in the games. This year, 335 athletes from Russia are competing in the Olympics. However, unlike sportspersons from other countries, they cannot use their homeland’s flag, name, or anthem.

Additionally, this year’s medal tally will feature ‘Russian’ medals next to ROC. They will have a flag different from the official Russian flag. “All public displays of the organization’s participant name should use the acronym ‘ROC’. And, not the full name “Russian Olympic Committee”. states the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

Why is Russia banned from the 2020 Olympics?

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) banned Russia from competing in international events for a period of four years. The ban started in December 2019. It includes the 2022 FIFA World Cup and the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. This ban was established after new discoveries surfaced about Russia’s accused doping program. After both investigators and whistleblowers had accused the country of running a sophisticated doping program.

Reports from multiple investigations led WADA to lift the sanctions in September 2018. But, only if Russia handed over athlete data from their laboratory in Moscow to doping regulators. This helped WADA to determine several sportspersons who cheated in various sports events across the years. However, Russia was accused of manipulating the database and the WADA panel suggested a four-year ban from all international events.

Additionally, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) reduced the ban to two years. It also ensured that official Russian teams cannot participate until the end of term on December 16, 2022. However, this only applies to all international events regulated by the WADA.

What does this ‘ban’ mean? Why are Russian athletes competing in Tokyo Olympics?

However, the ban is not outright since 335 athletes from Russia are taking part in the Tokyo Games. These athletes are playing under the ROC name. Hence they are playing for the Russian Olympics Committee which sends Russians to all games. Therefore, this punishment or ban does not allow them to use Russia’s flag, name and, national anthem.

“We at WADA remain disappointed that CAS has decreased the level of the sanctions from four years to two years. CAS allows them to compete for Russian athletes with the colors of the flag in the uniforms,” said Witold Bańka. Bańka is the president of WADA.

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