Why did the Tesla CEO change his name to ‘Elona Musk’ on Twitter?

Elona Musk

Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, has changed his Twitter handle to ‘Elona Musk,’ making people worry. The reason for the shift, however, is connected to the continuing confrontation between Russia and Ukraine. Musk’s challenge to Russian President Vladimir Putin for single combat for Ukraine prompted Ramzan Kadyrov; the Chechen Republic’s president, to offer him some advice.

Moreover, in an attempt to defend Putin, Kadyrov sent a warning to SpaceX CEO Elon Musk via his official Telegram account. He wrote, “Elon Musk, a word of advice: Don’t measure your strength against that of Putin’s. You’re in two completely different leagues.” 

Tesla CEO signed off his tweet as ‘Elona’ Musk

Musk tweeted the post. It had an English version on his official Twitter handle. It is for millions of people who were startled by Musk’s response when he signed off his tweet as ‘Elona’. Kadyrov called him “effeminate”. He also said he needed to “pump up those muscles to change from the gentle (effeminate) Elona into the brutal Elon.” 

Kadyrov certainly confessed that the Russian president will “beat the hell out of you [Elon Musk], a much weaker opponent” and proposed that the Tesla and SpaceX founder train at the Russian Special Forces University, Akhmat Fight Club. In response, Musk wrote, “Thank you for the offer but such excellent training would give me too much of an advantage. If he is afraid to fight, I will agree to use only my left hand; and I am not even left-handed.” He signed off as “Elona”. 

Moreover, making use of the Russian alphabet to write Putin’s name, Musk on his official Twitter handle wrote: “I hereby challenge Vladimir Putin to single combat. “Stakes are Ukraine,” he added. Nonetheless, in the same trial, Musk then penned in Russian: “Do you agree to this fight?” and tagged the official Twitter account of the Kremlin. 

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