Watch: Ukrainian marine tortured by Russian ‘Dr. Evil’ left unable to speak or express emotions after two-year captivity

Ukrainian marine tortured by Russian 'Dr. Evil' left unable to speak or express emotions after two-year captivity

Shocking Tale of Survival and Family Reunion Emerges from Ukraine-Russia Conflict

In a heart-wrenching story that underscores the brutal realities of the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, a young Ukrainian marine has been reunited with his family after enduring two years of severe torture at the hands of Russian forces. The harrowing ordeal has left the once-vibrant 23-year-old unable to speak or express emotions, shocking his loved ones and highlighting the devastating human cost of the war.

Milana Kompaniiets, the mother of Yuri Hulchuk, recently experienced a bittersweet reunion with her son following his release in a prisoner swap. The emotional moment was captured on video, revealing the stark transformation Yuri had undergone during his captivity.

“Without you, we didn’t have a life… You are our son, our joy, our pride, our love,” Kompaniiets told her son, her voice filled with a mixture of relief and sorrow.

The footage shows Yuri, once known for his linguistic prowess and outgoing nature, appearing stiff and unresponsive to his mother’s embrace. This dramatic change has left his family grappling with the extent of his trauma.

The horrific ordeal

Yuri Hulchuk’s nightmare began on April 12, 2022, when he was captured while defending Mariupol from a Russian attack. What followed was a grueling period of incarceration across multiple prison camps, where he was subjected to severe torture and abuse.

Among the most chilling accounts is the mention of a guard known as “Dr. Evil,” who reportedly used a stun gun on Yuri’s legs, nearly paralyzing him. Even more disturbingly, sources reveal that Yuri was electrocuted through his genitals as Russian forces attempted to extract information about Ukrainian military plans.

“I think [he suffered] a stroke from the beating,” his mother shared, trying to make sense of her son’s current condition.

Before his capture, Yuri was a university student who felt compelled to join the Marines, despite his mother’s reservations. His linguistic talents were remarkable, with fluency in English, Chinese, and Polish.

“My son spoke English, Chinese, and Polish fluently and was very talkative, and after all that, not being able to speak…” Kompaniiets trailed off, the pain evident in her voice.

The long search and devastating discovery

Throughout Yuri’s captivity, his mother tirelessly sought information about his whereabouts and condition. She interviewed exchanged prisoners, piecing together the horrifying details of her son’s treatment.

“The boys tried to talk to him, but he could not say a word,” she recounted. “I don’t know if his speech center is impaired or something [is wrong] with the muscles of his mouth or throat.”

A glimmer of hope

Despite the trauma he has endured, Yuri managed to convey a touching message to his mother upon his release, writing: “Mama is as beautiful as always.” This small gesture of recognition offers a ray of hope for his recovery, even as the family faces the long and uncertain road ahead.

The human cost of conflict

Yuri Hulchuk’s story serves as a stark reminder of the profound and lasting impact of war on individuals and families. As the conflict between Ukraine and Russia continues, his ordeal underscores the urgent need for international attention to the treatment of prisoners of war and the importance of upholding human rights even in times of conflict.

As Yuri begins his journey of healing, surrounded by the love and support of his family, his story stands as a testament to human resilience in the face of unimaginable cruelty. It also serves as a call to action for the international community to redouble efforts to bring about a peaceful resolution to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.

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