Watch: Russian chess player poisons opponent by spilling mercury on board, arrested

Watch: Russian chess player poisons opponent by spilling mercury on board, arrested

Mercury Poisoning Attempt at Makhachkala Chess Championship

In an unsettling turn of events at the Chess Championship in Makhachkala, a respected chess player stands accused of attempting to poison her opponent in a shocking act of personal vendetta. Amina Abakarova, a 40-year-old veteran of the game, was allegedly caught on CCTV spilling mercury from a broken thermometer onto the chessboard of her rival, Umayganat Osmanova, shortly before their match was set to begin.

Victim falls ill after contaminated match

The victim, 30-year-old Umayganat Osmanova, fell seriously ill following the match, suffering from severe dizziness and nausea—symptoms commonly associated with mercury exposure. The incident, initially unnoticed by the players and officials, came to light when a judge at the event reported the suspicious circumstances to the authorities, prompting a review of the security footage.

CCTV footage and arrest

The CCTV footage, now key evidence in the case, reportedly shows Abakarova in the act of deliberately contaminating Osmanova’s chessboard with mercury. Following the review of the footage, Abakarova was detained by local authorities. If convicted, she could face up to three years in prison under charges of “intentional infliction of bodily harm.”

Uncovering the motive

The motive behind this bizarre act has left many in the chess community stunned. Dagestan’s Minister of Sport, Sazhida Sazhidova, voiced the collective disbelief: “Like many others, I am perplexed by what happened, and the motives of such an experienced competitor as Amina Abakarova are incomprehensible. The actions she took could have led to a most tragic outcome, threatening the lives of everyone who was present, including herself.”

Confession and personal grievances

Abakarova, once considered a distinguished player in the chess world, later confessed to the crime during police questioning. She revealed that her actions were driven by a deep-seated resentment towards Osmanova, who had defeated her in a recent regional competition. Abakarova also alleged that Osmanova had made derogatory remarks about her and her family, which further fueled her anger.

Despite the gravity of her actions, friends of Abakarova have expressed shock, describing her behavior as “completely out of character.” Meanwhile, Osmanova, now recovering from the ordeal, has called for the court to impose the “maximum punishment” on Abakarova, emphasizing the seriousness of the crime.

The incident has cast a shadow over the chess community, raising concerns about sportsmanship and safety within the competitive arena. The case is expected to draw significant attention as it moves through the legal system, with many awaiting the outcome of what has become one of the most bizarre and disturbing episodes in the history of chess competitions.

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