US House passes bill to protect same-sex marriage

Same sex marriage

Same sex marriage

U.S. House passes bill protecting marriage equality

The US House of Representatives passed a bill on Tuesday to provide federal protection for same-sex marriages. It comes after concerns were raised that the Supreme Court could revoke recognition of such unions. The Respect for Marriage Act would guarantee protection for both same-sex marriages and inter-racial unions by requiring US states to acknowledge a legitimate marriage celebrated in another state.

About the Bill

The bill received support from 47 Republican lawmakers in addition to Democrats. Moreover, there was sporadic clapping when the bill cleared the House. ( In the 100-member Senate, Democrats hold 50 members, and 10 Republican votes would be required to move the legislation to the floor, according to the reports

The Respect for Marriage Act has been approved in the Democratic-controlled chamber by a vote of 267 to 157. However, its chances in the Senate are questionable. The legislation nullifies the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act. The Act established the institution of marriage as a union between a man and woman. The act bars married same-sex couples from receiving government benefits.

Americans on Same-sex Marriage

Equally important to note, 71 percent of Americans stated that they support same-sex marriage in a May Gallup poll.

Furthermore, this week another debatable Act will be presented in the house. That is the Right to Contraception Act, which would safeguard women’s access to contraception

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