UK general elections 2024: A look at the key candidates?

UK general elections 2024: A look at the key candidates?

Millions of British voters are heading to the election on Thursday to elect a new House of Commons and, subsequently, a new government. Voters will choose 650 lawmakers representing individual constituencies, with the leader of the party securing the most seats set to become the next prime minister. After 14 years in power under five different prime ministers, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s Conservative Party is widely anticipated to lose to the main opposition party, the left-of-center Labour Party.

Dominant parties and electoral system

British politics is traditionally dominated by the Conservative and Labour parties, largely due to the U.K.’s “first past the post” electoral system, which poses challenges for smaller parties seeking representation in Parliament. Nevertheless, other contenders in this election include the Liberal Democrats, Reform UK, the Scottish National Party (SNP), and the Greens. Here’s an overview of the major parties, their leaders, and their promises:


Leader: Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak, 44, ascended to power in October 2022, inheriting a Conservative Party and an economy in turmoil following Liz Truss’s brief premiership. An Oxford graduate and former Goldman Sachs hedge fund manager, Sunak is Britain’s first leader of colour and the first Hindu to become prime minister. While he emphasizes his role in stabilizing the government, critics argue that he lacks political judgment and is out of touch with ordinary voters.

Previous Seats: 365

Promises: The Conservatives pledge to deliver a stronger economy and cut taxes by £17 billion per year. They aim to increase public health spending above inflation and boost defense spending to 2.5% of GDP by 2030, funded by savings from tax evasion measures and reduced welfare spending. Additionally, they promise to cap immigration numbers and relocate some asylum-seekers to Rwanda.


Leader: Keir Starmer

Keir Starmer, a 61-year-old lawyer and former chief prosecutor for England and Wales, is the current favorite to become Britain’s next prime minister. A centrist and pragmatist, Starmer has steered Labour away from the more overtly socialist policies of former leader Jeremy Corbyn and mitigated internal divisions. Despite being described by critics as unexciting and unambitious, Labour’s popularity has surged under his leadership.

Previous Seats: 202

Promises: Labour’s platform focuses on promoting “wealth creation,” encouraging investment, and improving infrastructure like railways through a 10-year strategy. They propose establishing a state-owned clean power company to enhance energy security, funded by a windfall tax on oil and gas companies. Other promises include taxing private schools to fund new teachers in state schools and cutting public health waiting times.

Liberal Democrats

Leader: Ed Davey

Ed Davey, 58, first elected to Parliament in 1997, served as the energy and climate change secretary in the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition from 2012 to 2015. Davey became leader of the Liberal Democrats in 2019 and gained prominence during this election with attention-grabbing stunts like bungee-jumping.

Previous Seats: 11

Promises: The Liberal Democrats vow to improve health and social care systems, including free nursing care at home. They advocate for renewable energy investment, home insulation, and tackling sewage-dumping water companies. Their platform also includes lowering the voting age to 16 and rejoining the European Union’s single market.

Reform UK

Leader: Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage, a 60-year-old political firebrand known for his anti-migrant rhetoric and Euroskeptic stance, has disrupted the Conservative voter base. A key proponent of Brexit, Farage appeals to disillusioned Conservative voters with his promises to cut immigration and emphasize “British values.”

Promises: Reform UK aims to freeze all “nonessential immigration,” bar international students from bringing dependents, and exit the European Convention on Human Rights to facilitate deportations. They also propose scrapping “net zero” goals to reduce energy bills.

Scottish National Party (SNP)

Leader: John Swinney

John Swinney, 60, became the SNP’s third leader in just over a year in May. He has sought to stabilize the party following Nicola Sturgeon’s sudden resignation and the subsequent criminal charges against her husband.

Previous Seats: 48

Promises: Swinney has pledged that if the SNP wins a majority in Scotland, he will initiate independence negotiations with the U.K. government. He also supports rejoining the European Union, boosting public health funding, scrapping the U.K.’s Scotland-based nuclear deterrent, and advocating for a cease-fire in Gaza.

Green Party

Leaders: Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay

Carla Denyer, a mechanical engineer turned politician, and Adrian Ramsay, a local government politician with environmental charity experience, co-lead the Green Party.

Previous Seats: 1

Promises: The Greens aim to phase out nuclear power and achieve net zero emissions by 2040. They propose a £24 billion annual investment in home insulation and £40 billion in the green economy, funded by a carbon tax, a wealth tax on the very rich, and an income tax hike for higher earners.

As Britain heads to the election, the outcome of the election will determine the nation’s political and economic direction. With key issues such as the economy, immigration, and public health at the forefront, voters face critical choices that will shape the future of the United Kingdom.

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