Downing Street officials prepare plan for announcing Larry the cat’s death

Downing Street officials prepare plan for announcing Larry the cat's death

Downing Street is preparing a “media plan” for the anticipated death of Larry the cat, the beloved “chief mouser” who has been a fixture at Number 10 since 2011. Larry, a 17-year-old tabby, has outlived the average lifespan for his breed and has become a widely loved and enduring symbol of Downing Street.

Details of the media plan

Officials are drafting a press release and preparing graphics to announce Larry’s death. Pictures and other materials have already been prepared and are stored on the Downing Street IT system, ready for release when the time comes.

Sources have indicated that Larry’s health is currently stable, but the preparation is aimed at handling the situation with the utmost sensitivity. The plan includes carefully coordinated messaging to honor Larry’s legacy and inform the public.

Larry’s Legacy

Larry was adopted from Battersea Cats Home and brought into Downing Street by David Cameron in 2011 as a companion for his children. Since then, Larry has outlasted five prime ministers and has become a fixture of Number 10.

Officially known as the Chief Mouser, Larry has been known for his mousing skills, greeting guests, inspecting security, and testing furniture for comfort.

His day-to-day tasks also include dealing with the mouse occupancy of the house, a task he humorously describes as “still in the tactical planning stage.”Larry has captured the hearts of the British public, who send him gifts and treats regularly. His presence has become a source of fascination for the media and a symbol of continuity and charm at Downing Street.

Public reaction

Larry’s impending death will be a significant moment for many, given his role as a beloved figure in British public life. The media plan aims to ensure that his legacy is celebrated and that the announcement is made with the respect and sensitivity he deserves.

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