Twitter interfered in elections and failed in trust and safety: Elon Musk

Elon Musk

Twitter CEO Elon Musk asserted in a post on Wednesday that the social media platform has interfered in elections and has long been unsafe.

Supporting those who argue that social media sites can have a significant impact on politics both domestically and internationally, he wrote: “Exactly. The obvious reality, as long-time users know, is that Twitter has failed in trust and safety for a very long time and has interfered in elections.”

Elon Musk did not, however, specifically mention the elections he thought were negatively impacted by the shortcomings of the social media site. Mr. Musk stated in the same post that Twitter 2.0 will become more open and effective under his leadership.

“Twitter 2.0 will be far more effective, transparent, and even-handed,” he added.

Following his discussion with CEO of iPhone maker Tim Cook, Elon Musk tweeted that the misunderstanding around Twitter’s potential removal from Apple Inc.’s App Store had been cleared up.

Musk, a multibillionaire CEO of Tesla Inc. and Twitter Inc., was clear that Apple never considered doing so, the CEO wrote in a tweet.

Elon Musk claimed that Apple had threatened to remove Twitter from its app store

In a series of tweets on Monday, Elon Musk claimed that Apple had threatened to remove Twitter from its app store without providing any explanation. He also claimed that the company had ceased running advertisements on social media site.

In a subsequent post, he had included Cook’s Twitter handle and questioned, “What’s going on here?”

Requests for comment on Elon Musk’s most recent tweet from Twitter and Apple were not immediately met with a response. Apple hasn’t given a formal response to Musk’s prior tweets. (

The up to 30% commission Apple charges software developers for in-app purchases was one of the complaints Musk tweeted about on Monday. Elon Musk posted a meme implying he was prepared to “go to war” with Apple rather than pay the commission.

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