Trump ally Mike Pompeo drops out of US 2024 presidential race

Trump ally Mike Pompeo drops out of US 2024 presidential race

Trump ally and former US Secretary Mike Pompeo has dropped himself from the nation’s next presidential race in 2024. Read to know more.

Mike Pompeo drops from 2024 elections

Amidst rumors of Mike Pompeo standing against his old boss Donald Trump, he took to social media to announce the news. “Susan and I have concluded, after much consideration and prayer, that I will not present myself as a candidate to become President of the United States in the 2024 election,” tweeted Pompeo. “As a soldier, as a member of the US House of Representatives, and then as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and as your Secretary of State – I’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to advance America in a way that fits the time and the moment. This is not that time or that moment for me to seek elected office again,” added the Trump ally.

He explained the decision was ‘personal’ and that the ‘time is not right.’ The former CIA director and soldier hinted at what’s to come ahead. “To those of you, this announcement disappoints, my apologies. And to those of you this thrills, know that I’m 59 years old. There remain many more opportunities for which the timing might be more fitting as presidential leadership becomes even more necessary,” he stated.

More on the happenings

In 2018, former President Donald Trump appointed Mike Pompeo as the Secretary of State. He went on to serve in the position till 2021. During his tenure, he remained in Trump’s good books and was famous for his attacks on China. However, a few weeks, he was seen criticizing Trump’s fiscal policy. “$6 trillion more in debt. That’s never the right direction for the country,” he stated. Joking that he would be better at managing the nation’s debt better as a President than Trump.

While his Secretary of State is stepping back, the former President is focusing on securing a nomination for the 2024 elections. Despite the potential conviction, Trump stated “No, I’d never drop — it’s not my thing. I wouldn’t do it.” Currently, former Florida Governor Ron DeSantis appears to be Trump’s strongest Republican competitor.

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