“Treated like garbage”: French woman’s harrowing testimony against husband who orchestrated her rape by 50 men

"Treated like garbage": French woman's harrowing testimony against husband who orchestrated her rape by 50 men

A Shocking Revelation in Avignon

In a case that has sent shockwaves through France, a 72-year-old woman, Gisele Pelicot, testified in court in Avignon about the decade-long ordeal she suffered at the hands of her husband, Dominique Pelicot, 71.

In a calm yet powerful voice, Gisele recounted how her husband drugged her and invited dozens of men to rape her while she was unconscious, describing herself as being treated “like a rag doll” and “sacrificed on the altar of vice.”

A decade of horror

Gisele detailed the harrowing experiences, stating that her husband arranged for nearly 100 instances where she was raped by different men in their home over ten years.

Dominique systematically filmed these assaults, amassing thousands of images and videos that were later discovered by investigators.

Testimony of trauma

“I was sacrificed on the altar of vice… They regarded me like a rag doll, like a garbage bag… I no longer have an identity. I don’t know if I will ever rebuild myself,” Gisele testified, as reported by The Independent. She further added, “For me, everything collapses. These are scenes of barbarity, of rape.”

The abuse was not only psychological but also posed severe health risks. Gisele recounted how she was raped at least six times by a man known to have HIV. “My life was in danger but not one second did anyone stop… I was tested for HIV as one man who came (to rape me) six times was seropositive,” she testified, describing the abuse inflicted on her between 2011 and 2020, according to the New York Post.

Gisele credited the police for saving her life. The investigation into her husband’s crimes began in November 2020 when Dominique was caught by a security guard filming up the skirts of women at a supermarket near their home in a southern French village. As reported by The Guardian, the police then examined Dominique’s computer, uncovering the horrifying evidence of his crimes.

The moment of realization

Describing the moment investigators showed her the videos of her abuse, Gisele said it felt like “an explosion, a tsunami.” “My world is falling apart. For me, everything is falling apart. Everything I have built up over 50 years… Frankly, these are scenes of horror for me,” she said, as Dominique listened in court with his head bowed.

The police investigation revealed a file labeled “abuses” on a USB drive connected to Dominique’s computer. This file contained nearly 20,000 images and videos showing Gisele being raped almost 100 times. According to police, Dominique crushed sleeping pills and anti-anxiety medication into his wife’s meals or wine before inviting men from an online chatroom to rape her.

The trial

Dominique Pelicot and 50 other men, aged between 26 and 74, are currently on trial. According to reports, Dominique and 14 other co-accused have admitted to rape, while 35 men from various walks of life have denied the charges, claiming that Gisele consented to libertine sex, as reported by The Telegraph.

This case highlights the horrifying extent of abuse and the long-lasting impact it can have on victims, bringing to light the need for stringent measures to protect individuals from such heinous crimes.

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