Well, do aliens exist? If no, then how are we sighting UFO? Outer space is so wonderful to discover. It always leaves us shaking. Barack Obama revealed something super cool and mysterious. In an appearance on “The Late Late Show”, Obama spoke about UFOs and this is where things got really engrossing.
Here’s Obama – “What is true, and I’m actually being serious here, is that there are, there’s footage and records of objects in the skies, that we don’t know exactly what they are. We can’t explain how they moved, their trajectory. They did not have an easily explainable pattern. And so, you know, I think that people still take seriously trying to investigate and figure out what that is.”
Official government UFO study started at the end of the 1940s with Project Sign, giving the absolute most solid recordings of aerial wonders to date. In a couple of years, that program, at last, advanced into Project Blue Book, which effectively explored UFO sightings all through a large part of the Cold War. The 2017 disclosure that the U.S. government was effectively exploring UFOs reignited world interest in UFOs and aliens.
July 2 is the World UFO Day to make mindful of these UFOs and life frames that stay outside to us. There have been a few UFO sightings. Here are the main 5 ufo sightings.
Top 5 UFO sighting incidents
1. New Jersey Turnpike UFO sighting (2001)

It takes a great deal for drivers to stop close by an expressway to look toward the sky, yet on July 14, 2001, drivers on the New Jersey Turnpike did precisely that. For around 15 minutes soon after 12 am, they recall seeing bizarre orange-and-yellow lights in a V development. It was over the Arthur Kill Waterway between Staten Island, New York, and Carteret, New Jersey. Air traffic regulators at first rejected that any planes, military planes, or space flights might have caused the secretive lights. Yet a group known as the New York Strange Phenomena Investigators (NY-SPI) professed to get FAA radar information that confirmed the UFO sightings from that evening.
2. East Coast GO FAST Video (2015)
At the point when news spilled in 2017 about the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program, a video arose that uncovered an experience between a F/A-18 Super Hornet and an unidentified flying marvel. Seen along the East Coast on a Raytheon Advanced Targeting Forward-Looking Infrared (ATFLIR) Pod, the entity was a quick-moving white oval around 45-feet-in length without wings or exhaust tuft. The pilots followed the item at 25,000 feet over the Atlantic Ocean as it took off and all the while turned on its axis. No clarification at any point arose.
3. The Stephenville Sightings (2008)

The little town of Stephenville, Texas, 100 miles southwest of Dallas, is famous for its dairy ranches. Yet in the evening of January 8, 2008, many of its inhabitants saw something interesting in the sky. Residents reported seeing white lights above Highway 67, first in a single horizontal arc and then in vertical parallel lines. Also, no sound was heard. While the U.S. Air corps revealed weeks after that F-16s were flying in the Brownwood Military Operating Areas (southwest of Stephenville). But numerous residents didn’t accept that clarification, accepting that what they saw was excessively innovatively progressed for current human capacities.
4. O’Hare International Airport Saucer (2006)

Flight 446 was preparing to travel to North Carolina from Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport. Just then a United Airlines worker on the landing area saw a dark grey metallic craft floating over entryway C17. That day, November 7, 2006, a sum of 12 United workers—and a couple of observers outside the air terminal—detected the saucer-molded craft around 4:15 p.m. Because the UFO did not appear on the radar, the FAA considered it a “weather phenomenon” and declined to investigate.
5. The USS Nimitz Encounter (2004)
An oval-shaped item was seen drifting around 100 miles off the shore of San Diego. On November 14, 2004, it was seen by two FA-18F fighter jets aircraft carrier USS Nimitz. It looked like churning water. But then, a Tic-Tac-formed article appeared which didn’t show an engine or wings. Also, pilots attempted to capture it yet the meanderer took off at just about three times the speed of sound.