Top 4 bizarre coronavirus rules across the world

covid rules

covid rules

The epidemic has brought about a wave of rules and restrictions that were seemingly unknown to us. However some of these ‘coronavirus rules’ are bizarre and shocking. Here 4 such rules.

Cambodia and its death deposits

This strange rule surfaced as Cambodia attempted to start inviting visitors and tourists. The country, once it’s open for visitors will need you to deposit $3,000 for coronavirus ‘services’. These include:

If tested positive- 

And, in case of death

Mandatory gloves rule in Ukraine and Russia

If we didn’t know better, we’d say this rule was by overprotective mothers. The official advice from Ukraine’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) states the need for masks, social distancing, and gloves. “When in public places, including when traveling on public transport and in taxis, you must maintain a minimum distance of 1.5m, wear protective masks and gloves.” Moreover, gloves are mandatory in Moscow as well.

However, the rule sounds crazy because coronavirus largely spreads by air. But, the rule, in general, might provide a false sense of security and make people wash their hands less frequently.

One of the most bizarre coronavirus rules, pillow ban!

Brazil has banned pillows on aircraft, especially on international flights. “The ban means that United Airlines cannot provide pillows to passengers on its flights to and from Brazil (including their business class ‘cooling gel’ pillows) and passengers are not permitted to bring their own pillows on board, either.” read a notice.

The rule is questionable as airlines sanitize everything before a flight. Pillows and sheets are thoroughly washed and sanitized between each use. Moreover, it seems like the president, relaxed and indifferent to most social distancing rules has waged a war against innocent pillows.

The last of the coronavirus rules on this list- Tracking wristbands in the UAE

Since September 2020, people arriving in Abu Dhabi get a special welcome gift, a tracking wristband! All passengers are expected to wear a tracking wristband whilst they follow a 10-day mandatory home quarantine. However, those under 18, over 60, holding diplomatic passports, or suffering from chronic illnesses, are exempt from this rule.

“Self-isolation must take place at home and you will be required to wear a medically approved wristband for the duration. The wristband will be provided by the authorities at Abu Dhabi Airport after you clear immigration,” said the spokesperson for Etihad Airways.

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