Who is Isaiah Washington? 20-year-old daredevil arrested for scaling 80-storey crane at construction site in NYC

Who is Isaiah Washington? 20-year-old daredevil arrested for scaling 80-storey crane at construction site in NYC

According to the New York Post, a 20-year-old man was arrested on Sunday after sneaking up to the top of an 80-story crane at a Tribeca construction site. At 8.30 a.m., Isaiah Washington was charged with reckless endangerment and criminal trespassing at 45 Park Place, according to the New York Police Department.

Pictures and videos of him scaling the crane’s rigging have surfaced on the internet. Later, he was arrested and taken to the First Precinct stationhouse.

The police did not charge another person who was present at the scene and was wearing a grey hoodie.

Photographs taken at the scene show the suspect near the top of the crane.

When he arrived, Washington was placed in handcuffs and transported to the First Precinct stationhouse to be processed, according to cops.

Although the photos show a second person in handcuffs at the scene, the NYPD has stated that only Washington has been charged.

Other similar incidents involving daredevils

A towering crane collapsed at another Tribeca construction site in 2016, killing a Harvard-trained math whiz. A woman, who was injured in the accident, later filed a lawsuit against the city.

Remi Lucidi, a 30-year-old French daredevil, was discovered dead after falling from a 68-story Hong Kong residential building.

Lucidi was climbing the Tregunter Tower complex when he fell, according to the South China Morning Post. At the scene, the daredevil was pronounced dead.

According to reports, the man lost his footing and died as a result.

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