Where can you witness the northern lights in the US this weekend?


The Earth is bracing for a significant geomagnetic storm over the upcoming weekend, with the potential for auroras to be visible even in regions far south such as Alabama and Northern California,” officials announced. Depending on solar activity levels, observers residing at distant locations may have the opportunity to witness the Northern Lights phenomenon.

This storm has prompted alerts for telecommunications systems, power grids, and satellite operations, with warnings of potential disruptions. However, it also promises a captivating celestial display during nocturnal hours.

Rob Steenburgh, a space scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center, emphasized the potential spectacle: “If you happen to be in an area where it’s dark and cloud-free and relatively unpolluted by light, you may get to see a fairly impressive aurora display, and that’s really the gift from space weather: the aurora.”

According to a map released by the center, the aurora borealis may be visible across much of the northern United States on Friday night, with specific regions highlighted for potential sightings.

Optimal viewing advice from the National Weather Service

In light of this forecast, the National Weather Service’s St. Louis office advised residents to seek out rural, dark settings away from urban light pollution for optimal viewing conditions.

“Get away from city lights into a dark, rural surrounding and look north,” the office recommended via social media.

While the prediction centre notes that observers don’t need to be directly underneath the aurora to see it, the phenomenon can be observed from as far as 620 miles away.

However, the optimism for viewing the aurora was less pronounced in the San Francisco Bay Area, where the local weather service office expressed doubt about the chances for a nighttime show.

He said, “Probably not, but I’ll still look up while walking my dog.”

The storm is expected to last through the weekend, offering multiple opportunities for a northern lights display. The prediction center released a forecast map for Saturday night, indicating continued chances for viewing the aurora.

For those in the southern US who may not be able to see the aurora with their naked eyes, officials suggest taking photos with smartphones, which are better equipped to capture the light.

“Cellphones are much better than our eyes at capturing light,” remarked Brent Gordon from the Space Weather Prediction Center.

“Just go out your back door and take a picture with a newer cellphone, and you’d be amazed at what you see in that picture versus what you see with your eyes.”

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