What did Roger Stone say about Casey DeSantis?  

What did Roger Stone say about Casey DeSantis?  

Social media users were taken aback after reports surfaced of Roger Stone making disparaging remarks about Casey DeSantis, the wife of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Roger Stone, a longtime Trump advisor, took to Twitter and called Cassie a “c***” in response to former GOP congressional candidate Mike Crispi’s post.

Mike made a post about Casey on November 23, 2023, mocking the fact that she frequently mentioned her children during the campaign. Roger then responded to Mike’s post with derogatory remarks.

While he did not spell out the word, he did use the slang “SeeUNextTuesday,” which is another popular way to refer to it. Following the outpouring of criticism that this post elicited, it is believed that the comment has since been removed.

This is not the first time Roger Stone has made disparaging remarks about Casey DeSantis

Casey is also known as her husband Ron’s political advisor and strategist, and she is frequently seen at his rallies. The latest saga began when Casey mentioned her children on the campaign trail. The couple has three children: two daughters and one son.

Casey is also revered by the public because she is a two-time cancer survivor who has advocated for breast cancer awareness since her diagnosis.

Controversies spread quickly on social media, and a similar thing happened when Roger Stone took to Twitter and slammed Casey in a post, using a slur about Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ wife. However, this is not the first time Roger Stone has made disparaging remarks about Casey DeSantis.

Roger was overheard saying in May 2023, “Have you ever noticed how much Ron DeSantis’ wife Casey is like Lady Macbeth?”

As the news spread on social media, netizens were taken aback, and many chastised Stone for his remarks.

Some even mentioned Trump, as Stone has been a long-time advisor to Trump, despite the fact that the former President had nothing to do with the whole thing.

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