A groundbreaking new documentary, “Lover of Men: The Untold History of Abraham Lincoln,” posits that the 16th President of the United States may have had romantic relationships with men. The documentary, directed by Shaun Peterson, features insights from Lincoln’s scholars and presents previously unseen photographs and letters.
Exploring Lincoln’s personal life and sexual fluidity
The promotional material for the documentary states: “As told by preeminent Lincoln scholars and never before seen photographs and letters, the film details Lincoln’s romantic relationships with men.” The film examines the history of human sexual fluidity and contrasts the sexual mores of the 19th century with contemporary views. It aims to fill in an important missing piece of American history and challenges viewers to reconsider their perspectives on human sexuality. One expert featured in the film asserts, “Lincoln probably slept in the same bed with more men than he did with women.” The documentary includes interviews with historians from prestigious institutions such as Harvard, Columbia, Brown, Wellesley, and Rutgers.
Lincoln’s legacy in pop culture
The topic of Lincoln’s sexuality is also gaining attention in pop culture. Actor Cole Escola stars as Mary Todd Lincoln in the new Broadway production, “Oh, Mary!,” which follows the final weeks leading up to Lincoln’s assassination.
Variety has described the show as “unquestionably the funniest, gayest, campiest play Broadway has seen in years.”
The New York Post praised Escola’s performance, noting, “Escola, in grandiose Wednesday Addams drag (the costumes by Holly Pierson are a character, themselves), brilliantly plays Mary as a raging alcoholic and bored, acid-tongued housewife whose dreams of becoming a cabaret star and performing her ‘madcap medleys’ are thwarted by her absentee husband, Abe.” The Post further highlighted that “not-so-honest Abe is having a sleazy dalliance with a naïve soldier named Simon” in the show.
“Lover of Men: The Untold History of Abraham Lincoln” challenges traditional narratives
“Lover of Men: The Untold History of Abraham Lincoln” challenges traditional narratives and invites viewers to explore a different facet of Lincoln’s life. By delving into the complexities of his personal relationships, the documentary encourages a broader understanding of historical figures and the social norms of their times.