Watch: Father turns daughter’s room into ‘jail cell’ after she skips maths class at school

Watch: Father turns daughter’s room into ‘jail cell’ after she skips maths class at school

A U.S. father’s extreme punishment of his daughter for skipping a math class has ignited widespread debate after he shared a video of the incident on TikTok, later reposted on X (formerly Twitter). The video shows the man transforming his daughter’s bedroom into a “jail cell” in response to her misbehavior, sparking outrage online as many criticized the severity of his actions.

Punishment for skipping math class

The father, identified as Vince Nyla on TikTok, explained that his daughter skipped her math class to hang out with friends. His response? Removing nearly every item from her bedroom. The video, which has since garnered over 34 million views, opens with Nyla emptying his daughter’s room of furniture, clothing, and personal items. “My daughter cut her second-period math class with two of her friends,” the on-screen caption reads as he is seen stripping the room bare, even removing the mattress, TV, and shoes.

The video continues as Nyla goes through her wardrobe, taking all her clothes, and leaving nothing but an empty space. He justifies his actions in the caption: “Sooo…I decided for her punishment I would turn her room into her own personal jail cell.” In a dramatic turn, he goes a step further, writing “I skipped math class” on a plain white t-shirt that he said his daughter would be required to wear for two days. He places the shirt and a pair of shoes in the empty room, leaving a note for his daughter.

Backlash over extreme discipline

The viral video prompted widespread backlash, with many users criticizing Nyla’s approach to disciplining his child. Some felt the punishment went too far and questioned his parenting style, particularly his decision to post the punishment online.

One commenter pointed out the age of the child, referencing a Barbie poster in the room. “You are talking about locking her up like it’s Fort Knox! Why can’t you sit your baby down and try to understand? Instead, you go straight to acting like Hitler,” the user wrote. Another user, who identified himself as a parent, echoed concerns about the severity of the punishment: “As a dad, this is a bit much. I’m talking about taking the bed and posting it on social media.”

A third user warned that “stunts” like this could have long-term effects on the child’s emotional well-being, predicting that actions like these could lead to strained relationships in the future. “This ensures a traumatic childhood, and when she grows older, she will hold her parents responsible and cut all ties with them,” the user commented.

Parent defends punishment method

Despite the backlash, Nyla defended his actions, claiming that he had tried less severe methods in the past but felt his daughter wasn’t taking him seriously. “The fact that she is even trying to test me is crazy because Lord knows I try, but now I got to get diabolical,” he wrote in the video’s caption. In the clip, Nyla also says, “I can be the very cool dad or I can be the very crazy dad in a crazy way, so I took everything from her, literally everything.”

Parenting experts weigh in

The viral video has reignited discussions about discipline, particularly the fine line between teaching responsibility and causing emotional harm. Parenting experts caution that extreme forms of punishment can have unintended consequences, including damaging trust between parents and children. Some psychologists warn that public shaming, especially when shared on social media, can have long-lasting effects on a child’s self-esteem and mental health.

As the debate continues to unfold online, Nyla’s video serves as a controversial example of how modern parenting is increasingly scrutinized in the age of social media. While some may support firm discipline, many are urging parents to consider more measured approaches that prioritize communication and understanding.

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