US knew about Wagner’s rebellion plans but kept them secret from most allies: Reports

US knew about Wagner's rebellion plans but kept them secret from most allies: Reports

United States intelligence authorities knew for weeks that the Russian mercenary force Wagner was organizing a rebellion but kept this information hidden from most allies according to American media sources. According to a CNN story on Monday (June 26), intelligence agencies obtained extensive information on Wagner head Yevgeny Prigozhin’s revolt preparations, including where and how the mercenary force planned to move.

According to the sources, this intelligence was shared with only a few US partners, including senior British officials, and not with NATO as a whole. And a report by The Washington Post last Saturday (June 24) said that intelligence officers notified the White House and other government agencies about the insurrection in order to avoid being caught off guard.

‘There were enough indicators…that something was wrong’

According to some US sources, the actual nature and timing of Yevgeny Prigozhin’s rebellion objectives were unknown until his capture of a military command and tank run toward Moscow. However, there were enough warning signs to alert the leadership that something was wrong, according to one official who opted to remain nameless to the publication. Senior officials at the Pentagon, State Department, and Congress were also informed on the intelligence, in addition to the White House.

According to officials, a crucial trigger for Prigozhin was a Russian defense ministry decree requiring all volunteer detachments to sign contracts with the government. The order, which was issued on June 10, did not mention Wagner by name but the implication was clear: a takeover of the mercenary group, the report added.

According to a senior Ukrainian official, Ukrainian military officials were following Prigozhin after the June 10 order and feared he would mobilize his forces against Russia. According to the person, the Wagner’s head publicly challenged the order, and Ukrainian officials were concerned that he may oppose Russian viewpoints. The diplomat also stated that the timing of the march was unknown and that he was unaware of the US providing intelligence to Ukraine about a prospective march by Wagner.

Putin was informed that Prigozhin was hatching a scheme

American intelligence agencies also concluded that Russian President Vladimir Putin was aware of Prigozhin’s plot. According to a US official, it is unclear when Putin was informed. According to the report, it is also unclear why Putin did not intervene to quell the insurrection.

Meanwhile, Putin paid tribute to Russian pilots lost during the attempted weekend revolt on Monday, confirming earlier allegations that Wagner shot down many planes. “The courage and self-sacrifice of the fallen heroes-pilots saved Russia from tragic and devastating consequences,” Putin said in his first public speech since the rebellion. There has been no formal confirmation of how many pilots were killed. However, according to some Russian Telegram groups, 13 pilots were murdered last Saturday.

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