US Army soldier sentenced to 14 years for helping ISIS

US Army soldier sentenced to 14 years for helping ISIS

Former Cavalry Scout Convicted of Attempting to Support Terrorist Organization

In a shocking case that has sent ripples through the US military community, a 24-year-old Army soldier has been sentenced to 14 years in prison for his attempts to assist the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) in planning attacks against American troops. The Department of Justice announced the sentence on Friday, October 11, revealing the depths of the soldier’s betrayal and the potential consequences of his actions.

The soldier: Cole Bridges

Cole Bridges, also known as Cole Gonzales, joined the US Army in September 2019 and was assigned as a cavalry scout in the Third Infantry Division based in Fort Stewart, Georgia. However, unbeknownst to his superiors and fellow soldiers, Bridges had already begun to harbor sympathies for jihadist ideologies.

A year-long descent into extremism

According to the Department of Justice statement, Bridges’ radicalization began even before his enlistment:

“Before joining the army, the man began researching and consuming online propaganda promoting jihadists and their violent ideology and began to express his support for ISIS and jihad on social media.”

This online activity eventually escalated into direct communication with individuals he believed to be ISIS supporters. In reality, Bridges was communicating with an FBI online covert employee (OCE) posing as an ISIS sympathizer.

Betrayal of trust: Sharing military secrets

The extent of Bridges’ betrayal became clear as he began sharing sensitive information with his supposed ISIS contacts. The Department of Justice revealed:

“Bridges then provided training and guidance to purported ISIS fighters who were planning attacks, including advice about potential targets in New York City.”

Perhaps most alarmingly, Bridges shared portions of a US Army training manual and guidance on military combat tactics, fully aware that this information could be used in future attack planning against American forces.

Planning an ambush on US Special Forces

In a chilling development, investigators discovered that Bridges had provided detailed advice on how to ambush US Special Forces. The Department of Justice statement noted:

“Bridges also provided advice about the best way to fortify an ISIS encampment to ambush US Special Forces, including by wiring certain buildings with explosives to kill US troops.”

Propaganda videos seal his fate

As if the sharing of military secrets wasn’t damning enough, Bridges took the extraordinary step of creating propaganda videos in support of ISIS. In January 2021, he sent two videos to his contact:

  1. A video of himself in Army body armor, standing before an ISIS flag and making gestures of support.
  2. A narrated propaganda speech supporting the planned ambush on US troops, delivered using a voice manipulator.

The verdict

The sentencing of Cole Bridges sends a clear message about the consequences of betraying one’s country and fellow soldiers. US Attorney Damian Williams stated:

“Cole Bridges betrayed the oath he swore to defend our nation. Today’s sentence holds him accountable for his crimes and makes clear that those who betray their country will face stiff consequences.”

This case serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing threat of radicalization, even within the ranks of the US military. It underscores the need for vigilance, improved screening processes, and support systems to identify and prevent such dangerous ideological shifts among service members.

As the nation grapples with this unsettling case, military and counterterrorism experts are likely to study it closely, seeking ways to prevent similar incidents and safeguard the integrity of the armed forces.

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