Traditions and Customs of the US

The US is rich in traditions and customs, ranging all the way from religion to language and everything in between. This includes our beliefs about what’s right and wrong, how we present ourselves at the dinner table, how we greet visitors, and how we behave in company generally.

The US is the third largest country globally, and it has a population of over 332 million. What’s more, a number of immigrants make their way over to the US to start new lives, meaning that America is made up of a melting pot of cultures. Therefore, there’s no one way to define the traditions and customs of the US, but a few of them are broken down below.


While around 70% of Americans are Christians, almost every known religion is practiced in the US. This includes Muslims who give Sadaqah, Jews who practice Passover, Hindus who celebrate Diwali, Buddhists who immerse themselves in meditation, and many more. In fact, as much as 23% of Americans don’t follow any religion whatsoever.  Therefore, religion is one of the most diverse aspects of the US, meaning that anyone and everyone is accepted. This is one of the most important aspects of the country – that it’s the land of the free, and everyone is provided with equal opportunities. 


The US is known for being a leader in mass media production, including television and movies. As a result, the arts are a staple in American traditions and customs. In fact, the US comprises one-third of the global entertainment and media industry, being worth a whopping $717 billion. The 1950s saw the television broadcasting industry take hold, and this isn’t to mention the booming Hollywood movie industry. What’s more, New York City is home to Broadway, meaning the US is also the capital of musical theater. This is on top of the multiple genres of American music, including hip hop, rock ‘n’ roll, bluegrass, country, and western, gospel, jazz, and rhythm and blues. 


In its early history, American cuisine was influenced by the Native Americans and Europeans. Despite this, there are now various foods that are identified as “American”, including meatloaf, mac and cheese, potato chips, hot dogs, hamburgers, and more. Similarly, the US is also home to a number of different cooking styles, including the Southern style. This is also often referred to as comfort food and comprises dishes like cornbread, black-eyed peas, collard greens, and fried chicken. Meanwhile, the likes of Tex-Mex are enjoyed in Texas and the Southwest, including dishes like burritos and chili. 


American style varies significantly depending on climate and a number of other factors. Despite this, traditionally, American style is often linked to cowboy boots and hats. Aside from these traditions, there are plenty of American designers who have been successful in the field, including Victoria’s Secret, Michael Kors, Calvin Klein, and Ralph Lauren. What’s more, various American celebrities are widely known to be fashion icons, meaning that the US plays a huge role in influencing fashion trends around the globe. 


Although the US is regarded as an English-speaking country, there’s no official language in the US. Roughly 90% of the population speaks and understands at least some English, but this doesn’t make it the official language of the country. In fact, some states have their own official languages or preferred ones (e.g., Hawaii has the official languages of English and Hawaiian). Aside from English, the most popular spoken languages in the US are Spanish, Chinese, French, and German. Despite this, there are many other languages that are spoken throughout the nation.

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