Study reveals link between prolonged acid reflux medication use and increased dementia risk

Study reveals link between prolonged acid reflux medication use and increased dementia risk

A recent study has shed light on a concerning correlation between extended usage of a common acid reflux medication and a heightened risk of dementia later in life. The investigation focused on individuals who were prescribed proton pump inhibitors to address recurring acid reflux, stomach ulcers, and related gastrointestinal problems. Disturbingly, those who relied on these drugs for over 4.4 years faced a notably 33% higher likelihood of dementia development compared to those who refrained from such medication. The findings, disclosed in a Wednesday publication of the medical journal “Neurology,” underscore the importance of making cautious and informed medical choices.

What are proton pump inhibitors?

Acid reflux, a prevalent issue occurring when stomach acid escapes into the esophagus, especially post-meals or before bedtime, is causing alarm due to its potential to lead to gastroesophageal reflux disease. This condition can result in esophageal damage and heightened susceptibility to cancer. The focus has turned to proton pump inhibitors, which act on acid-producing enzymes in the stomach lining to diminish stomach acid. The latest study adds to a growing body of evidence linking these widely used medications, taken by millions of Americans, to an expanding range of health concerns, including stroke, heart disease, and kidney disease.”

“Patients should talk to their doctors and share with them all the medications they are taking,” said Kamakshi Lakshminarayan, the study’s author and a vascular neurologist and researcher at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health. “They can review the medications, including any over-the-counter medications they may be taking, and discuss the reasons for taking each medication with their doctor.”

What are the dangers of long-term use?

The study comprised almost 5,700 participants who did not have dementia at the start. For 5.5 years, researchers monitored the study participants. The average age of the participants was 75.

During in-person visits or once-a-year phone calls, researchers examined study participants. Those who were provided acid-reflux drugs were divided into four groups based on how long they used them. Those who had been taking the medications for at least 4.4 years had the highest rates of dementia. People who used over-the-counter versions of the medications, which have been offered without a prescription since 2003, were excluded from the study. Some over-the-counter equivalents are marketed as Prilosec, Nexium, and Prevacid.

The results were adjusted for age, gender, race, and chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Participants who used the medication for at least 4.4 years had a 33% higher risk of acquiring dementia than those who did not use the meds, according to the study. Those who used the medicine for a shorter period of time had no increased risk of dementia.

According to Lakshminarayan, the study provided useful information because it assessed the risk of dementia in those who had previously taken the medicine. Cognitive screening was used to diagnose dementia, which was then examined by doctors. Some previous research only looked at medication use once and relied on billing data to make a dementia diagnosis.

How do I take acid reflux medications safely?

Previous studies with inconsistent results on dementia risk, according to Fouad J. Moawad, a gastroenterologist and spokesman for the American Gastroenterological Association, can be “confusing for both patients and prescribers.”

He claims that the current study’s design does not account for potential confounding factors such as vitamin B12 insufficiency, depression, socioeconomic level, and H. pylori, a type of bacteria that can infect the stomach. He said that it’s impossible to identify whether individuals take acid-reflux medications as needed, for short periods of time, or on a long-term basis. The study also excluded those who used over-the-counter versions of the medications.

In 2022, the American Gastroenterological Association modified its medical guidelines on when acid-reflux medication prescriptions should be lowered or stopped.

Moawad advises using the medications at the lowest viable dose for patients suffering from severe reflux esophagitis, Barrett’s esophagus, and peptic ulcers. He also advises people to avoid items that cause stomach acid, to not eat within three hours of going to bed, to sleep with their heads elevated, and to lose weight.

Proton pump inhibitors are “well-tolerated drugs and work well for acid-related disorders, ” Moawad said. “With that said, PPIs are likely overprescribed. I often advise my patients to weigh the risks and benefits of any medical treatment.”

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