Rhode Island boy starts poop-scooping business to fund kitten adoption

Rhode Island boy starts poop-scooping business to fund kitten adoption

6-year-old entrepreneur raises money for his new pet by offering a unique service

A young boy from Rhode Island has taken an unconventional approach to achieve his dream of adopting a kitten. Luca Aprin, a 6-year-old animal lover from Warwick, launched his own poop-scooping business to raise funds, proving that even the smallest entrepreneurs can make a big impact.

Luca’s passion for animals sparks a creative business idea

Luca’s venture, “Poopa Scoopa Luca,” stemmed from his deep love for animals and desire to bring home a shelter cat named Pebble. His entrepreneurial spirit was sparked during his volunteer work at a local animal shelter where his mother, Robyn Bouchard, also works. The duo has been instrumental in fostering and finding homes for 98 rescue animals to date.

“I love cleaning. It’s one of my favorite things,” Luca said in an interview with WJAR, showing a maturity beyond his age as he described his new business. The young boy offers his dog poop collection service to local pet owners, charging $15 per yard, or $20 for homes with multiple dogs. Despite the task’s less-than-glamorous nature, Luca embraces the work with enthusiasm. “People hate picking up dog poop. I don’t mind that. I don’t mind it at all,” he added.

Turning hard work into a new friendship

Luca first met Pebble while volunteering at the shelter, where he immediately fell in love with the kitten. However, as an unpaid volunteer, he couldn’t afford the adoption fees or the costs associated with owning a pet. Determined not to let that stop him, Luca devised a plan to earn money through his poop-scooping business.

“He asked me, ‘What can I do to raise money to adopt this kitten?’ Because he just felt like he couldn’t live without her,” Bouchard shared. After just a few weeks of hard work, Luca had saved enough money to officially adopt Pebble and bring her home.

An inspiring young entrepreneur

Luca’s entrepreneurial journey has not only enabled him to adopt Pebble but has also opened his eyes to the rescue animal crisis. His mother beams with pride at his awareness and determination. “I have the coolest kid in the entire world, honestly. To be so aware of the rescue crisis in the state and overall in the country, I think that’s pretty unique,” Bouchard said.

Far from slowing down, Luca is already considering new ways to earn money to support more animals in need. His story is a heartwarming reminder of how passion, hard work, and a little creativity can turn dreams into reality—even at just 6 years old.

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