‘Poop on Nancy Pelosi’s desk’ statue in front of the U.S. Capitol draws attention

'Poop on Nancy Pelosi's desk' statue in front of the U.S. Capitol draws attention

A provocative art installation featuring a bronze representation of excrement placed on a replica of Nancy Pelosi’s desk has emerged as the latest political statement piece in Washington, D.C., drawing significant attention from passersby and media alike.

The installation and its message

The piece, unveiled Thursday morning in front of the U.S. Capitol, carries a deliberately satirical message beneath it that reads: “This memorial honors the brave men and women who broke into the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, to loot, urinate, and defecate throughout those hallowed halls in order to overturn an election.”

In a pointed reference to former President Donald Trump, the installation’s text continues: “President Trump celebrates these heroes of January 6th as ‘unbelievable patriots’ and ‘warriors’. This monument stands as a testament to their daring sacrifice and lasting legacy.”

Who is behind the artwork?

While the creator initially remained anonymous, NBC News has obtained documents from the National Park Service revealing that Julia Jimenez-Pyzik of Civic Crafted LLC secured the permit for the installation. The permit indicates the piece will remain in place until October 31, with security personnel maintaining watch for the first week.

Historical context

The installation references the events of January 2021, when protesters disrupted the congressional certification of Joe Biden’s presidential victory. During the riot, numerous officers sustained injuries as lawmakers sought shelter, and one rioter allegedly defecated on Speaker Pelosi’s desk. The chaos unfolded as then-President Trump used social media to pressure Vice President Mike Pence to overturn the election results – a position Trump maintains to this day, continuing to dispute Biden’s victory.

More provocative art planned

The installation, officially titled “The Resolute Desk,” represents only the first phase of planned artistic commentary. According to the permit, which describes the desk as representing “the heart of democracy, where decisions are made, voices are heard, and the future is shaped,” a second monument is scheduled to appear on October 28.

This forthcoming piece, set to be installed at Freedom Plaza along Pennsylvania Avenue between the Capitol and the White House, will feature a Tiki Torch emerging from a stone base – another pointed reference to recent political events.

The permit elaborates on the symbolism: “This desk represents the heart of democracy, where decisions are made, voices are heard, and the future is shaped. More than just a place for work, it is a testament to the ideals of transparency, accountability, and representation.”

The installation has sparked considerable discussion about the role of provocative art in political discourse and the ongoing reverberations of the January 6 events in American society.

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