Pennsylvania: ‘Single man’ rents billboard for $1,000 to find a date

Pennsylvania: 'Single man' rents billboard for $1,000 to find a date

In a unique and humorous bid to find love, a Pennsylvania man has taken an unconventional approach by advertising himself on a billboard. Dave Cline, a 28-year-old data manager from West Philadelphia, spent over $1,000 to rent a billboard in his neighborhood, hoping to find a partner and end his single, lonely life, as reported by ABC affiliate WPVI.

Eye-catching billboard

The large, colourful sign features a smiling Cline giving a thumbs-up, alongside the message: “Want to go on a DATE with Dave?” The billboard also lists a few “fast facts” about Cline, highlighting that he “has normal hobbies,” “owns a cat (pictured),” and “can cook (well).” The fact that he rented a billboard to promote himself also suggests that he has financial stability.

Humorous yet serious intentions

In an interview with WPVI, Cline explained that the billboard “was just supposed to be funny for the most part,” but noted that it has already led to some responses. “Which is great,” he added.

Cline took to Instagram on July 24 to confirm his single status, writing, “It may shock you to know, but the guy who bought a billboard as a funny hehe haha really is actually 100% single!” He encouraged people to reach out, saying, “If you live in Philadelphia (or anywhere with central AC) feel free to send me a message! My only request is that if you want to reach out, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t send me spam, threats, or anything weird! I have literally no idea if this will be popular at all or totally forgettable in 2 days, so just have fun and feel free to ask me out.”

Positive responses

Cline has already received a few messages and even has a date in the works. His Instagram comments section is filled with supportive messages from women who appreciate his creative approach and express interest in getting to know him better. One Instagram user posted, “This is the most clever idea! Best of luck to you, Dave! PS you’re a hit in the cat groups on Facebook right now.” Another commenter wrote, “I am just here to watch this love story unfold.”

A new take on modern dating

Dave Cline’s billboard stunt has not only captured local attention but has also sparked a conversation about the lengths people will go to find love in the modern age. Whether his bold move will lead to lasting romance remains to be seen, but it has certainly put a smile on many faces and offered a fresh perspective on dating.

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