Ohio: Woman jailed for killing daughter by exclusively feeding her Mountain Dew

Ohio: Woman jailed for killing daughter by exclusively feeding her Mountain Dew

An Ohio woman was sentenced to over 13 years in jail after pleading guilty to killing her 4-year-old daughter by overfeeding her Mountain Dew. Her daughter, Karmity Hoeb, died in January 2022 after developing fatal diabetes. At the time of her death, her teeth had also decayed. The girl’s father also pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter and will be sentenced on June 11.

The girl was never given proper nutrition

She was neglected throughout her life, with her parents never providing medical care, even after she showed clear signs of health complications.

The Ohio parents called emergency services only after the 4-year-old girl turned blue and stopped breathing one day. Medics examined her and declared her brain dead. Doctors diagnosed her with diabetic ketoacidosis, which had spread to her brain.

The girl also developed severe dental issues, causing her teeth to dissolve due to being fed almost exclusively Mountain Dew from a baby bottle throughout her life. Prosecutors noted that she should have been weaned off bottles much earlier.

Each can of Mountain Dew contains nearly 50 grams of sugar. Clermont County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Clay Tharp stated, “This child did not have to die.” Tharp described the child’s condition as “one of the most tragic cases I have ever encountered.”

“It’s hard to be a good parent”

Reports indicate that the mother, Tamara Banks, suffered from several medical complications but always prioritized her own health and sought medical care.

Judge Victor Haddad, who presided over Banks’s case, criticized the parents, saying, “Not knowing what to do is not an excuse.”

“It’s hard to be a good parent, but you expect at least mediocre parents. Everybody should expect that,” the judge added.

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