Ohio: 102-year-old twin sisters celebrate birthday together

Ohio: 102-year-old twin sisters celebrate birthday together

Celebrating a Century and Beyond: 102-Year-Old Twin Sisters Share a Remarkable Bond

Toledo, Ohio — A Double Celebration

In a heartwarming celebration, identical twin sisters Marilyn Wright and Madelyn Casper marked a significant milestone this week—their 102nd birthday. The Toledo, Ohio natives gathered with family and friends on September 15, with some attendees traveling from as far away as Texas to join the festivities.

“Twins at 102—I don’t think that happens every day. We just thought we have to really celebrate this one big time,” remarked Thomas Casper, Madelyn’s son, to WTVG.

Family and Friendship

The sisters, who have raised a total of 13 children between them, have remained inseparable despite life’s challenges. Madelyn describes their relationship as being “two peas in a pod.” Their connection transcends distance, as illustrated by Marilyn’s anecdote: “[I would get] on the phone, I say, ‘Madelyn, I just made a meatloaf. I wish you could be here.’ She says, ‘I made one too.’”

Though time has taken its toll on their senses, the sisters adapt. “We talk together until she couldn’t hear, so I’m her ears and she’s my eyes,” added Wright.

Julie Fox, one of Wright’s children, expressed gratitude for the opportunity to celebrate this momentous occasion. “We feel very blessed to still have both of them with us, and they’re both still in pretty good health too—physical health, not only mental,” she shared.

A message of kindness

As they celebrate over a century of life, the twins impart a message of compassion. “We have to tell people, ‘Be kind to your neighbor.’ Just show kindness. Don’t hate. The word hate should be out of the dictionary,” advised Wright.

The celebration of Marilyn and Madelyn’s 102nd birthday is not only a testament to their enduring bond but also a reminder of the power of kindness and family.

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