“Nostradamus of US presidential elections,” Allan Lichtman predicts Trump vs. Harris outcome

"Nostradamus of US presidential elections," Allan Lichtman predicts Trump vs. Harris outcome

The renowned predictor’s methodology

Allan Lichtman, a historian known as the “Nostradamus of US presidential elections,” has accurately forecasted the outcomes of nine US elections using his “13 keys to the White House” system. This model comprises 13 true or false questions, with six or more keys against the incumbent party indicating defeat, while fewer suggest victory.

The 13 Keys to the White House

Lichtman’s 13 keys evaluate a range of factors, including economic performance, social stability, and candidate charisma, providing a robust framework for election predictions:

  1. Party Mandate: Gains in US House seats post-midterms.
  2. Nomination Contest: Lack of significant nomination challenges.
  3. Incumbency: Sitting president represents the incumbent party.
  4. Third-party Factor: Absence of noteworthy third-party campaigns.
  5. Short-term Economic Stability: No recession during the election period.
  6. Long-term Economic Growth: Economic growth meets or exceeds previous terms.
  7. Policy Shift: Major policy changes enacted by the incumbent administration.
  8. Social Stability: No prolonged social unrest.
  9. Scandal-Free: No major scandals.
  10. Foreign/Military Mishaps: No significant failures in foreign or military affairs.
  11. Foreign/Military Triumphs: Significant successes in foreign or military matters.
  12. Incumbent Charm: Charisma or national hero status of the incumbent candidate.
  13. Challenger Appeal: Lack of charisma or national hero status in the opposing candidate.

Lichtman’s current prediction: Harris vs. Trump

Currently, Lichtman favors Vice-President Kamala Harris over former President Donald Trump in the upcoming US elections. Speaking to News Nation, Lichtman stated, “A lot would have to go wrong for Harris to lose.”

With Joe Biden stepping down from the reelection race, Harris is expected to be the Democratic nominee. According to Lichtman’s model, Democrats currently hold six of the 13 keys, including primary contest, short-term economy, long-term economy, policy change, no scandal, and challenger charisma.

Despite losing three keys by switching to Harris—party mandate, charisma, and incumbency—Lichtman asserts that Democrats would need to lose three additional keys for Harris to be predicted to lose. He considers this unlikely.

Lichtman plans to make his official prediction for the 2024 race after the Democratic convention in August, providing further insights into the election dynamics.

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