North Carolina man who ‘died three times’ at 8 recalls meeting dead father and unborn siblings in afterlife

North Carolina man who ‘died three times’ at 8 recalls meeting dead father and unborn siblings in afterlife

A North Carolina man’s remarkable account of his three near-death experiences at age eight has captured public attention, offering an extraordinary glimpse into what might lie beyond our mortal existence. His story, involving encounters with deceased family members—including siblings he never knew existed—presents a compelling narrative that challenges our understanding of life and death.

The fatal journey

The incident occurred 27 years ago when young Landon and his parents were returning home from church. Their world changed forever when an ambulance struck their car side-on at an intersection, instantly claiming the life of his father, Kemp.

“They couldn’t see his body because of the damage that was done to the driver’s side of the car,” Julie, Landon’s mother, told the Christian Broadcasting Network. “When they saw Landon’s shoe, it took a deeper search for his body.”

Julie told CBN that after they located and pulled out Landon, he wasn’t breathing. They managed to resuscitate him and flew him to Carolinas Medical Center. She says that her son “died” two more times that same day.

Following a two-week coma, he miraculously emerged without brain damage but with extraordinary stories to tell.

Visions from Beyond

“I remember being able to see my dad and his friend who had passed away less than a month before he did,” Landon revealed to CBN. In what he describes as “like a preview of a movie where you only get to see certain bits and pieces,” each death brought different experiences.

The unborn siblings

Perhaps most remarkably, Landon reports encountering two siblings he had no earthly knowledge of—children his mother had lost to miscarriage before his birth. “I knew that they were my siblings even though no one had told me about them,” he stated. “Just being in heaven, I guess you know your own or you know who everyone is.”

Medical marvel

The fact that Landon survived not only the initial accident but three clinical deaths and emerged from a two-week coma without brain damage has puzzled medical professionals. His detailed recollections, particularly of unknown family members, add another layer of mystery to his extraordinary experience.

Twenty-seven years later, Landon’s story continues to intrigue those interested in near-death experiences and the possibility of an afterlife. His account joins a growing body of similar testimonies that have sparked both scientific interest and spiritual discussion.

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