Homeowner Discovers Camouflaged Surveillance Camera
In Scarsdale, New York, a homeowner discovered a hidden camera camouflaged in the shrubbery outside his home while gardening. The camera, linked to a hotspot, was broadcasting live surveillance footage, according to local police. Authorities believe the camera was planted by burglars from South America to monitor the property for potential break-ins.
Despite no burglaries reported in the area and no additional cameras found, the incident has raised concerns among residents. “The bad guys are ahead of us,” Steve Samtur told CBS News. This unsettling trend of using hidden cameras for surveillance before committing burglaries has been observed in other regions as well.
Similar incidents nationwide
In May, a California woman named Lisa discovered a camera in a bush outside her home. Her neighbor initially mistook it for trash but found a camera with a battery pack upon closer inspection. This incident occurred just a day after news coverage of four men arrested in Glendale with a similar camera setup. Glendale Police found evidence suggesting the suspects strategically placed the camera to monitor when homeowners left.
The suspects arrested in Glendale were identified as Bryan Martinez Vargas, 28; Jose Antonio Velasquez, 28; Edison Arley Pinzon Fandino, 27; and Luis Moreno, 29. Their method involved planting cameras in planters to gain a clear view of residences, and creating a sophisticated surveillance system to aid their criminal activities.
Further discoveries and arrests
In June, another camera was found in Alhambra, California. Two weeks later, a camera hidden in bushes across from a recently burglarized house in Boston led to three more arrests. These discoveries underscore the spread of this disturbing trend.
Authorities are now urging homeowners to remain vigilant. Glendale police advised, “It’s important to regularly inspect the exterior of your home for any unfamiliar objects or changes in the landscaping that could potentially hide a surveillance camera. Keep an eye out for suspicious people knocking on doors as they may be checking whether someone is home.”
Residents are encouraged to report any suspicious findings to local authorities to help curb this alarming trend and protect their homes.