New Jersey: Family narrowly escapes injury as ice chunk falls from plane, smashes through roof

New Jersey: Family narrowly escapes injury as ice chunk falls from plane, smashes through roof

A family in New Jersey experienced a shocking incident when a massive chunk of ice, likely from a passing airplane, crashed through the roof of their home on Wednesday. The Gomez family was seated in their backyard when the ice block came hurtling down. “Out of nowhere, you just hear a hollow sound coming down, and honestly, we didn’t think anything of it, and then you just hear a big DOOOOSH!” said Sabrina Gomez, according to the New York Post.

Significant damage to the home

The large ice chunk caused substantial damage, leaving a gaping hole several feet wide in the attic roof. “It was big stones… I guess it was a big square. When it came down, it smashed everything,” Paul Gomez explained. Their house is situated directly under several flight paths, making the incident even more concerning. “When we look up, it’s basically like a plane flying by,” added Sabrina Gomez.

Immediate aftermath and safety

After the incident, the family rushed outside and recorded a video of ice pieces scattered across their driveway. “Honestly, it was a little terrifying, but thank God it didn’t hit anybody, and it hit the floor. It hit the roof, thank God,” Sabrina Gomez expressed relief that no one was injured.

FAA investigation underway

The family has filed a claim with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to investigate the source of the ice, which they suspect fell from an aircraft overhead. The FAA is expected to look into the incident to determine the exact cause and take necessary actions.

Similar incident in Utah

This alarming event follows a similar incident weeks earlier in Utah, where a chunk of ice fell from a plane and tragically killed a family’s pet goat. On May 6, Cassidy Lewis heard a loud bang at her home and found her pet goat injured and bleeding, with pieces of ice scattered beneath a hole in her shed’s ceiling. The incident left the community rattled and raised concerns about aviation safety.

The New Jersey incident underscores the potential dangers of falling debris from planes and highlights the need for stringent safety measures.

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