Ashley McGuire, a single mother, was left in the lurch when her husband, Charles Withers, disappeared when she was pregnant with their youngest child. Ashley turned to Facebook a year after his abrupt departure to track him down for divorce proceedings. Surprisingly, she succeeded in just 24 hours.
“I’m trying to track him down to get his signature on a few papers so I can finally close this chapter and move on with my life,” Ashley wrote.
She also revealed that Charles has two children back in Massachusetts—one he hasn’t seen in over a year and the other he’s never met. “I’ve heard he’s going by ‘Charlie’ now. He’s British, incredibly charming, and works as a chef, likely in the hospitality industry.
He probably hasn’t mentioned a wife or kids back in Massachusetts. If you know him, work with him, are dating him, or are friends with him, please have him get in touch with me or let me know where I can find him🙃,” she added.
Ultimately, a “Are We Dating the Same Guy” Facebook group found him hiding in Dallas
Within 24 hours, Ashley’s post went viral, and hundreds of social media users in America came together to help her. Ultimately, a “Are We Dating the Same Guy” Facebook group located him hiding in Dallas.
Shortly after his discovery, Ashley posted again, thanking everyone for helping her gather enough information to cut ties with him. She emphasized that she harbors no ill will and urged people not to spread hate or threats toward him.
“Truly, I only want to see this situation resolved so me and my children can restart our lives and fix the damage done. At the end of the day I get to come home to my babies and be their mom, so I think I win regardless.”
Additionally, a user on X (formerly Twitter) even found Charles Withers on an episode of Chopped and noted that he was using the name Charlie. Another user mentioned that they found his Twitter account. Netizens also discussed the unfairness of the situation, with one person commenting, “Is it impossible to divorce someone who ghosted? That’s just unfair.”