Skydiving at 90: A lifelong thrill seeker
Missouri native Eleanor Mann has taken her birthday celebration to new heights—literally. To mark her 90th birthday, Mann decided to skydive from a plane at 10,000 feet, with her family cheering her on from below. “You’re kind of close to heaven while you’re up there,” she shared with local news outlet KODE, describing the thrill and beauty of the experience.
This wasn’t Mann’s first skydive; she first took the plunge on her 70th birthday and enjoyed it so much that she promised herself she would do it again if she reached 90. Now, two decades later, she kept that promise.
‘It was just wonderful’: A family affair
Mann described her experience as “just wonderful,” recalling the joy of “floating down through the air.” Her family, including children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, gathered to support her. “It’s a blessing that they love me so much that they would take their time and drive so far,” Mann said, appreciating their presence.
Ozarks Skydive Center welcomes all ages
Mann’s jump was facilitated by the Ozarks Skydive Center. Owner Bryan Wolford expressed how special it is to work with senior jumpers. “We love it. As much as we enjoy sharing the sport with everybody, we love to see those folks come out. It’s kind of a special thing for them,” he said. “And when we can share it with somebody at 90, that’s pretty, pretty neat.”
Ozarks Skydive Center shared a celebratory post on their Facebook page featuring Mann with the caption, “Eleanor is turning 90 years young, so she is going skydiving to celebrate!”
Skydiving records set by senior adventurers
Mann is far from the oldest skydiver to enjoy the thrill. The Guinness World Record for the oldest person to skydive is held by Alfred “Al” Blaschke, a Texan who completed a skydive at the age of 106. Texas Governor Greg Abbott even joined Blaschke for the jump to mark the historic occasion.
Mann’s adventurous spirit has captured hearts, proving that age is no barrier to experiencing life’s greatest thrills.