Louisiana TV anchor resigns after being caught sexting with someone he believed to be a 15-year-old girl

Louisiana TV anchor resigns after being caught sexting with someone he believed to be a 15-year-old girl

Anchor Caught in Sting

Bill Lunn, a married television anchor in Louisiana, has resigned following an incident where he was caught sexting with someone he believed to be a 15-year-old girl. The case was revealed after Lunn arranged to meet the suspected underage girl at his home during lunchtime on May 29. Instead, he encountered a trio of vigilante “predator hunters” conducting a sting operation.

Vigilantes’ evidence

Lunn called the police, claiming the men attempted to beat him up and steal his car. However, the group presented evidence to the responding officers, explaining they had set up a fake profile on the dating app MeetMe to catch men seeking to meet underage girls for sex. They stated Lunn began engaging with the profile on May 28, just a day before the arranged meeting.

Explicit exchanges

Antonio Coleman, one of the vigilantes, told NBC 6 that Lunn engaged in explicit conversations and sent inappropriate pictures, despite knowing the “girl” was 15. When confronted, Lunn allegedly tried to flee, shouting about his wife and kids.

Lunn’s career and legal stand

Lunn, who joined KTBS in 2019 and was promoted to news director last August, has denied the allegations through his attorney, Dhu Thompson. Thompson emphasized that the incident stemmed from a private sting, not a law enforcement investigation, and stressed Lunn’s cooperation with authorities.

KTBS launched an internal investigation following the allegations, leading to Lunn’s resignation on Monday. As of Wednesday, no charges have been filed regarding the incident.

Statement from Lunn’s attorney

“It is our preliminary understanding that this incident was not the result of a law enforcement investigation, but rather one done by private individuals. Our primary concern at this time is that law enforcement receives all evidence surrounding this incident so that they can make a thorough and complete review. Mr. Lunn has cooperated with authorities and vehemently denies any allegations of wrongdoing. We hope that after a thorough review of all the evidence surrounding this matter, Mr. Lunn will be shown to be innocent and cleared of all allegations,” Thompson said in a statement.

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