Intruder breaks into Washington homes—cooks, cleans, and leaves thoughtful note

Intruder breaks into Washington homes—cooks, cleans and leaves thoughtful note

A Bizarre Break-In Spree in Washington

In a series of unusual break-ins in Washington, a “hungry” intruder has been making headlines for his peculiar habits. Instead of the usual chaos left behind by burglars, this individual has been tidying up after himself, even going as far as cleaning dishes, folding laundry, and leaving a considerate note before departing. The suspect does not appear to steal anything from the homes he enters.

The Clearwood community incident

Eddie Andujo, a resident of the Clearwood Community Association, shared his strange encounter with the publication KING5. According to Andujo, the intruder shattered his kitchen window to gain access, used several household items, and cooked a meal for himself. He then proceeded to clean the dishes, took a shower, and even folded Andujo’s laundry. Remarkably, the intruder left without taking any valuables but left behind a heartfelt note.

“When I arrived Friday morning, I noticed there was a note on my kitchen table. It says, ‘I needed food, badly. I broke into your house. Please forgive me. I ate your food and washed my clothes and showered,'” Andujo recounted to KING5.

The intruder’s culinary choice was spaghetti, but what stood out to Andujo was the man’s tidiness. “He made spaghetti. But the funny part is, he washed his dishes. So he was a nice crook I guess, I don’t know … and he folded the blankets he used,” Andujo said.

Adding to the oddity, the intruder even took the time to inform Andujo about a malfunctioning popcorn machine, noting that it “wasn’t working properly.”

A neighborhood without cell service

The area where these incidents have been reported suffers from a lack of cell phone service due to the absence of a nearby tower. This has complicated efforts by the police to track down the suspect. Despite using K9 units to search the neighborhood, the police have so far been unsuccessful in locating the intruder.

Another close encounter

Bethany Stirber, another resident, also spoke with KING5 about her encounter with the burglar. According to Stirber, the intruder stole her garage key after breaking into her car but retreated when he realized she was home. “I caught him again on Sunday. I called 911. I could hear them, and they couldn’t hear me. And they didn’t get here in time. He got away,” she explained.

Not an isolated incident

Interestingly, this is not the first time a polite burglar has been reported. In 2019, a similar incident occurred in Boston, where a burglar not only cleaned the home but also crafted roses out of toilet paper.

As the Washington community remains on high alert, the search for this considerate yet unlawful intruder continues. The peculiar nature of these break-ins has left residents puzzled and authorities determined to solve the case.

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