Former University of Kentucky student who used n-word 200 times and assaulted a Black woman is sentenced to jail

Former University of Kentucky student who used n-word 200 times and assaulted a Black woman is sentenced to jail

Sophia Rosing, a former University of Kentucky student who became infamous in 2022 after a racist outburst was caught on video, has been sentenced to 12 months in custody and 100 hours of community service. The incident, which went viral on social media, showed Rosing assaulting fellow student Kylah Spring while repeatedly using racial slurs.

Apology and legal consequences

Rosing had previously pleaded guilty to four counts of fourth-degree assault, among other charges. During her plea, she offered an apology to Spring and members of the Black community. “She has had a lot of time to think about what she has done, and she wrote a nice letter of apology,” Rosing’s attorney, Fred Peters, said after the hearing. He also noted that the plea deal was reached after discussions between both parties. However, Spring expressed doubt about Rosing’s sincerity, stating she did not believe the former student was genuinely remorseful.

Following the incident, Rosing was permanently banned from the University of Kentucky campus. The video that sparked widespread outrage shows Rosing repeatedly striking Spring, kicking her in the stomach, and hurling the n-word and other insults. Throughout the footage, she is heard using racial slurs approximately 200 times.

The case serves as a reminder of the broader social and legal consequences of hate speech and violence. Rosing’s sentence, handed down this week by a Kentucky judge, includes not only jail time but also community service—aimed at making amends for the harm caused by her actions.

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