Florida man’s intestines fall out of his body after coughing and sneezing while eating breakfast

Florida man’s intestines fall out of his body after coughing and sneezing while eating breakfast

A routine breakfast turned into a nightmare for a Florida man when a cough and sneeze caused his intestines to fall out of his body. The 63-year-old man, celebrating his recovery from surgery, experienced a sharp pain and wet sensation after sneezing, only to find several inches of his bowel protruding from a recent surgical wound.

Quick response by paramedics

Fearing further injury, his wife called for an ambulance. Paramedics arrived within minutes, finding a three-inch opening with the intestines protruding. They covered the bowel with saline and gauze before transporting him to the hospital.

Two weeks earlier, the man had undergone successful surgery for prostate cancer complications and had just had his wound examined and sutures removed.

At the hospital, doctors quickly operated, finding no damage to the bowel. They successfully placed the intestines back and stitched the wound with internal and external sutures.


The man spent six days in the hospital recovering and was released without further complications. He can only hope his next sneeze or cough won’t lead to another medical emergency.

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