Flight attendant tapes iPhone in plane’s toilet to film 14-yr-old girl, American Airlines sued


The family of a North Carolina teenager is suing American Airlines, alleging that a flight attendant taped an iPhone to a toilet during the flight to record her using the restroom.

According to the 14-year-old’s and her parents’ attorneys, the airline “knew or should have known the flight attendant was a danger.” They claimed that because other crew members failed to seize the employee’s phone, he was able to destroy evidence. The lawsuit was filed on Friday in US District Court in North Carolina against American and the unidentified flight attendant.

The flight attendant was “withheld from service” immediately following the alleged incident, according to the airlines, and has not worked since.

“We take this matter very seriously and have been fully cooperating with law enforcement in their investigation, as safety and security are our highest priorities,” American Airlines said in a statement.

Flight attendant accused of placing iPhone to record minor in restroom

The event occurred on a flight from Charlotte to Boston on September 2, according to the lawsuit. The girl stated that as she was waiting to use the bathroom in the economy section, where her family was seated, the flight attendant sent her to the first-class cabin.

He went into the restroom first, saying he wanted to wash his hands, and then came out a minute later to tell the girl that the seat was broken but not to worry.

After using the restroom, the girl discovered an iPhone that was largely obscured by red airline tape that stated “Remove from service,” but the camera flash was glowing. According to the lawsuit, the girl “was stunned and terrified.” It dawned on her that the phone had been placed there to video her using the restroom.

She photographed the equipment herself. Lawyers for the family requested that the flight attendant remove the phone and erase images of the girl before allowing her father to see the photos on his iPhone.

Flight attendant not arrested despite allegations of assaulting a minor

According to the family, an FBI agent later informed the girl’s mother that the man was not arrested because no damning photographs were found on his phone.

Lawyers for the family claimed they don’t know the flight attendant’s name, where he lives, or if he still works for American. According to them, the 14-year-old is undergoing trauma therapy.

In the case, neither the girl nor her family are named. Unless they come out publicly, victims of sexual assault or abuse are not named by the Associated Press.

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