Concerned father hires bodyguard for 19-year-old NYU freshman daughter amid rising campus crime

Concerned father hires bodyguard for 19-year-old NYU freshman daughter amid rising campus crime

Unprecedented Measure Highlights Growing Safety Concerns in New York City’s Universities

In a striking testament to the growing concerns over urban campus safety, a Maryland father has taken the extraordinary step of hiring a personal security consultant for his 19-year-old daughter, a freshman at New York University (NYU). This decision comes in the wake of a significant surge in criminal incidents on and around NYU’s various campuses over the past three years.

A father’s precautionary measure

The 52-year-old real estate investor, speaking on condition of anonymity, expressed his apprehensions about New York City’s safety. “I was very apprehensive of New York, and I am worried about her,” he confided. His daughter, studying business and the arts, had chosen NYU as her “first and only” college option.

The father elaborated on his decision: “I believe information is the best disinfectant, and knowing what areas to go to, what areas to avoid” is “absolutely critical, particularly for a young person navigating a city or even a situation on their own for the first time away from home.”

The role of the security consultant

After an extensive search, the father hired an experienced female private investigator for a 25-hour per-week position. While the exact salary was not disclosed, industry standards suggest a rate exceeding $50 per hour for such services in New York City.

The security consultant’s responsibilities include:

Rising crime statistics at NYU

The father’s concerns appear to be well-founded, given the recent crime statistics:

Student perspectives

NYU students interviewed by The Post offered mixed but generally supportive reactions to the father’s decision:

Broader implications

This unprecedented measure by a concerned parent highlights the growing unease about urban campus safety. It raises questions about the adequacy of current security measures at universities and the lengths to which parents are willing to go to ensure their children’s safety in an increasingly unpredictable urban environment.

As universities grapple with these security challenges, the case of this NYU freshman and her personal bodyguard may prompt a broader discussion about campus safety protocols and the balance between personal freedom and security in higher education settings.

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