Colorado: Hero bus driver saves 14 children from blazing school bus

Colorado: Hero bus driver saves 14 children from blazing school bus

Quick-Thinking Driver Prevents Tragedy

In a heroic display of quick thinking and bravery, a Coloradan bus driver saved 14 children from a potentially deadly situation by evacuating them from a burning school bus on Wednesday. The swift actions of the driver were highlighted in a press release by Aurora Fire Rescue.

According to the agency, the driver noticed the fire through a dashboard alert and promptly pulled over to evacuate the children. “The bus was fully engulfed in flames” by the time firefighters arrived at the scene, the agency stated. The driver’s rapid response was deemed “crucial in ensuring everyone’s safety.”

Fire origin and aftermath

Aurora Fire investigators determined that the fire was accidental, originating in the engine compartment. Remarkably, no one was harmed during the incident.

“We are extremely grateful that no one was injured,” the Aurora School District told USA Today. The district added that once they were alerted to the fire they called emergency responders and picked up the children using a different bus.

“We want to give our utmost thanks to our bus driver for his awareness and quick action. His response kept everyone safe. The safety of our students and staff is our top priority,” the Aurora School District told the outlet.

Similar incidents

This incident is not the first of its kind. On April 17, a school bus in South Jersey was engulfed in flames moments after the driver and students exited the bus. Students reported smelling smoke and hearing a loud bang before their evacuation. “We smelled it and saw it, so we got off. It was kinda all fast,” recalled 13-year-old Regan Capone.

In another similar event, a 28-year-old Louisiana bus driver, Kia Rousseve, faced a critical moment on March 13 when her bus started losing power suddenly.

“The bus started acting crazy and started jerking and going real, real slow,” Rousseve described. Recognizing the danger, she acted on her maternal instincts to ensure the children’s safety.

“I have a child, so I thought about them kids like it was my own child,” Rousseve said. Her instincts proved correct as the bus went up in flames just moments after she and all nine students exited the vehicle.

These incidents underscore the crucial role bus drivers play in ensuring the safety of their passengers, often acting as first responders in emergency situations. The quick actions of these drivers have undoubtedly prevented potential tragedies, earning them well-deserved praise and gratitude from their communities.

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