California dad wins custody battle after mother allegedly tries raising son, 4, as nonbinary

California dad wins custody battle after mother allegedly tries raising son, 4, as nonbinary

Father Granted Full Custody After Legal Battle Over Non-Binary Upbringing

In a contentious custody battle, Harrison Tinsley of California has secured full custody of his four-year-old son, Sawyer. The court ruling comes after Tinsley alleged that the boy’s mother, who identifies as non-binary, tried to raise Sawyer as non-binary by forcing him to wear girl’s clothing and use they/them pronouns.

Tinsley said that his victory was sort of like “watching a miracle.” He emphasized his son’s clear identification as a boy, stating, “I know he’s a boy. He wants to be a boy. He adamantly expresses that, Tinsley told a podcast. “If you say anything to the contrary, he gets very upset.”

Tinsley described his journey, as initially joyful when his ex-girlfriend announced her pregnancy in 2019, but later marred by separation and legal struggles.

“Unfortunately that excitement turned to pain when his mother, who suffers from serious underlying mental health problems, abruptly ended our relationship and prevented me from seeing Sawyer,” Tinsley said on his fundraiser page.

Mother’s influence and custody motion

Tinsley claimed that the mother pushed a non-binary identity onto Sawyer, causing confusion and emotional distress. He highlighted incidents where the mother forced the child to use female pronouns and attire. This led Tinsley to file for full custody, especially after learning about the mother’s arrest for felony child endangerment.

Court evidence and outcome

Tinsley presented extensive evidence, including police footage and psychological studies, illustrating the risk to Sawyer’s well-being under his mother’s care. Initially, the court ruled in favor of the mother, but following an appeal and a Child Protective Services (CPS) investigation, Tinsley was awarded full custody. CPS recommended drug and alcohol testing for the mother, acknowledging her mental health issues.

Tinsley expressed gratitude towards CPS and the court for prioritizing his son’s welfare over political considerations. He criticized the mother’s attempts to label him politically, asserting, “I’m just some California dude with long hair and skinny jeans.” He argued that children should not be subjected to gender ideology debates, stressing the importance of allowing them to enjoy childhood without such pressures.

The case underscores ongoing debates around gender identity in child-rearing, with Tinsley advocating for a child’s right to self-identify without parental imposition of gender ideologies.

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