California: 20 robbers overpower guard, empty Sunnyvale jewelry store in minutes | Watch video

California: 20 robbers overpower guard, empty Sunnyvale jewelry store in minutes | Watch video

Jewelry Heist Unfolds in Minutes

In a daring daylight robbery reminiscent of a Hollywood heist, twenty masked men stormed PNG Jewelers in Sunnyvale, California, on Monday. The India-headquartered jewelry store was emptied within minutes, leaving behind a scene of shattered glass and chaos.

CCTV captures swift robbery

CCTV footage, which has since gone viral on social media, shows the masked robbers breaking through the glass doors and overpowering the store’s lone security guard. The men, some in hoodies, quickly dispersed throughout the store, methodically breaking display cases and filling their backpacks with jewelry.

The entire heist lasted less than three minutes, indicating a high level of coordination and familiarity with the store’s layout. Local media reports suggest the robbers had likely surveyed the store in advance to execute such a precise operation.

PNG Jewellers, with its roots in Pune, India and named after its founder Purshottam Narayan Gadgil, boasts 35 stores across India, the US, and Dubai. The Sunnyvale store is one of its key locations in the United States.

Growing concerns over retail security

This incident underscores the increasing threat of organized smash-and-grab robberies targeting high-value retail outlets. It raises significant concerns over security measures and the safety of staff and customers in luxury retail environments.

Authorities are now reviewing the CCTV footage to identify the perpetrators and gather clues. The jewelry store’s management has yet to release an official statement regarding the estimated value of the stolen goods or any future security measures to prevent such incidents.

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