Boy kidnapped from California park in 1951 found alive after 73 years

Boy kidnapped from California park in 1951 found alive after 73 years

West Oakland, CA — In a miraculous turn of events, Luis Armando Albino, who was abducted as a child 73 years ago, has been found alive. Luis, now 79, had disappeared on February 21, 1951, at the age of six, after a woman lured him from a park in West Oakland, California, with the promise of candy. His disappearance launched an exhaustive search, but the case went cold for decades, leaving his family heartbroken and without answers.

For years, Luis’ mother never gave up hope that her son would be found. Tragically, she passed away in 2005 at the age of 92, never knowing what had become of her boy. That hope, however, was rekindled in June 2024 when Luis was located in New York City. Raised by a couple after being flown across the country following his abduction, Luis lived a full life, serving as a firefighter and as a Vietnam War Marine Corps veteran.

He reunited with his older brother, Roger, 82, in June, just before Roger’s death from cancer. Luis’ older brother, Roger Albino, aged 82, was able to meet his long-lost sibling before passing away from cancer just a month after their emotional reunion.

DNA leads to a breakthrough

The search for Luis was driven by his niece, Alida Alequin, 63, whose determination solved a mystery that spanned generations. Alida, who had always been curious about her family’s past, took an online DNA test in 2020, a decision that would change everything. After discovering a 22% match with Luis, she reached out to him but received no immediate response. Undeterred, Alida, along with her daughters, began a deep dive into old newspaper archives. Their persistence paid off when they discovered images of Luis on microfilm at a local library, bringing them closer to finding him.

In early 2024, with assistance from the Oakland Police Department, FBI, and the Department of Justice, Luis was finally located. Alida recounted the tearful reunion with Mercury News, sharing how Luis embraced her, saying, “thank you for finding me.”

Emotional reunion and closure

The moment Luis reunited with his brother Roger was one of pure emotion. “They grabbed each other and had a really tight, long hug. They sat down and just talked,” Alida said. Though Roger passed away shortly after, Alida revealed that he “died happily” and was at peace, knowing that his brother had been found.

Luis, who has chosen not to speak with the media, continues to grapple with the questions surrounding his abduction. The couple he believed to be his parents are both deceased, and others who may have known about the kidnapping have remained silent.

Alida also reflected on her grandmother’s unshakable belief that Luis was still alive, saying, “She always felt he was alive. She took that with her to her grave.”

The investigation continues

Though the mystery of Luis’ whereabouts has been resolved, the investigation into his abduction remains active. The FBI continues to pursue leads regarding the circumstances of his kidnapping, with many unanswered questions about the individuals involved.

This remarkable story of loss, resilience, and reunion underscores the power of family and the enduring hope for closure—even after more than seven decades.

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