Biden has dementia, Kamala Harris might replace him: Tucker Carlson

Biden has dementia, Kamala Harris might replace him: Tucker Carlson

American conservative political commentator and writer Tucker Carlson has made explosive claims about President Joe Biden, asserting that he “has dementia” and accusing the mainstream media of concealing this information. Carlson, the former Fox News host, also predicted that Democrats would soon replace Biden with Vice President Kamala Harris.

These allegations follow the first presidential debate held on June 27 in Atlanta, Georgia, where Biden’s performance reportedly stunned many Democrats.

Carlson criticized the media’s portrayal of Biden

Speaking at Sydney’s International Convention Centre to an audience of 4,000, Carlson criticized the media’s portrayal of Biden. “Democratic operatives posing as journalists” on CNN pretended to be shocked by Biden’s condition, Carlson claimed, according to Sky News.

“For the media today to act as if they’ve just received the diagnosis, claiming it’s shocking and that he can’t run for president,” Carlson said. “Either they’re really stupid … or they’re liars, they’re truly dishonest, they’re hiding the obvious from you,” he continued.

Claims of imminent replacement

On Monday, Carlson further claimed that several prominent Democratic leaders believe Biden is “brain damaged” and might be removed from the running. He suggested this is a critical moment for both the Democratic and Republican parties, especially with former President Donald Trump’s upcoming sentencing on July 11.

“Biden is done. Bet on it. Too many prominent Democrats have suggested he’s brain-damaged. They can’t walk that back. They have to remove him, and they will. The only question is when. If they’re smart, they’ll do it immediately. If Kamala’s going to be the nominee, she might as well be the president first,” Carlson said in a post on X.

Trump as presumptive president

Carlson also emphasized that Trump is now seen as the presumptive president, not merely the Republican candidate. “At this point, Trump is not just the Republican candidate, but effectively the presumptive president,” he asserted.

He cautioned against imprisoning Trump, suggesting that any charges should be for widely accepted serious crimes to avoid irreparable damage to the system. “If you’re going to put him in jail, it had better be for a very serious crime that everyone agrees he committed. Otherwise, you risk destroying the system completely and forever. We’re in legitimate danger. Democrats need to pull back,” Carlson wrote.

Obama’s stance on Biden

In another post, Carlson criticized former President Barack Obama’s recent support for Biden as disingenuous. He claimed that in private, Obama has expressed doubts about Biden’s chances of winning and is in favor of an open convention.

“Obama will not say whom he supports, nor as of yesterday afternoon had he met personally with Biden to deliver the message. Relations between the Obamas and the Bidens have never been warm. At times, they’ve been hostile,” Carlson wrote.

Carlson further stated, “All the talk about ‘only Biden deciding to leave’ is just so absurd. That’s not how the Democratic Party operates. No one person is above the collective. That’s the essence of the party. In Biden’s specific case, he’s got no constituency in Washington. Yes, Ron Klain and 85-year-old Ted Kaufman benefit directly from his presidency, but it’s a small group. The rest of the city has no loyalty to Biden. They don’t care about him; they’ve never taken him seriously. Any president works for them as long as he’s a Democrat. It’s never personal with these people because the individual doesn’t matter,” Carlson concluded.

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