America’s fittest cities named to raise health awareness: Check out the full list

America's fittest cities named to raise health awareness: Check out the full list

Top Three Fittest Cities

Arlington, Virginia; Washington, D.C.; and Seattle, Washington have been named the top three fittest cities in the United States, according to the American Fitness Index. Compiled by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the Elevance Health Foundation, this annual ranking evaluates America’s 100 largest cities using 33 evidence-based indicators.

Arlington: Leading in community health

Arlington tops the list for community and environmental indicators. The city boasts the highest rate of residents exercising in the previous month at 87.8%, the most residents getting seven or more hours of sleep at 76.4%, and the lowest smoking rate at 3.4%. However, it ranks fourth in personal health.

Washington, D.C.: Top in healthy eating

Washington, D.C. excels in dietary habits, leading the nation in fruit and vegetable consumption. The city has the highest rate of residents eating two or more fruits daily, at 37.9%, and ranks second in vegetable consumption, at 21.4%. It also ranks among the top five cities for physical activity, public transportation use, and commuting by biking or walking.

Seattle: Investment in parks

Seattle, ranking third, has one of the highest exercise rates and significant investment in parks, with $321 per capita dedicated to green spaces.

The rest of the top 10

Other cities in the top 10 include San Francisco, Madison, Minneapolis, Denver, Atlanta, Irvine, and St. Paul. The index highlights national improvements in food security and exercise, with more Americans walking and biking to work and increased park investments. However, it also notes a decline in sleep and overall physical and mental health among residents.

National trends and recommendations

Despite these improvements, only 51% of adults meet aerobic activity guidelines, and just 24% meet both aerobic and strength guidelines, though 78% report exercising.

ACSM President Steall Volpe emphasizes the need for local leaders to make bold spending choices and policy decisions to enhance physical activity and health infrastructure in communities.

“The Fitness Index is a trusted road map showing sound strategies for communities to improve,” Volpe said. “By embracing collaborative advocacy and leveraging data-driven insights, we can collectively move toward a healthier future for America, one city at a time.”

The American Fitness Index aims to provide actionable insights for cities to improve their residents’ health and fitness, highlighting the importance of community efforts in fostering healthier lifestyles.

Check the full list here

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