The ancient beach at Herculaneum, buried by Mount Vesuvius 2,000 years ago, reopened

The ancient beach at Herculaneum, buried by Mount Vesuvius 2,000 years ago, reopened

An ancient beach, buried by the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius almost 2,000 years ago in 79 AD, was reopened to the public on Wednesday (June 19) following extensive restoration.

According to CNN, this beach is situated in the Herculaneum archaeological park, believed to be the place where over 300 men awaited rescue by the admiral and renowned Roman scholar Pliny the Elder.

The site, unveiled on Wednesday, has undergone years of archaeological excavation and restoration, during which significant discoveries were made, including human remains and evidence of the volcanic disaster.

Italian Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano, remarked, “Herculaneum, Pompeii, Oplontis: we are working on many projects.”

Francesco Sirano, the director of the Herculaneum archaeological park, stated, “It was not only a restoration work but also a great research work because we know that representing a site, in an open-air archaeological place, also means being able to delve into scientific aspects: we carried out excavations and found remains and the passage of pyroclastic flows that hit the city in 79AD with materials of all kinds.” A notable discovery was the “last fugitive” found in 2021: the skeleton of a man around 40 years old, with a bag containing his valuable belongings, presumably attempting to flee towards the sea.

At the unveiling of the ancient beach on Wednesday, Italian Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiuliano remarked, “Herculaneum, Pompeii, Oplontis: we are working on many projects.” He further added, “In the budget law we have refinanced the excavations and there are construction sites that are active like never before and are revealing new treasures, which fuel the activity of scholars.”

Emphasizing the cultural and economic significance of these discoveries, Sangiuliano noted, “We believe in all of this: in creating, connecting, strengthening this area which UNESCO has also recognized as of great value and which is one of the most important archaeological areas in the world. Because we are convinced that this will represent an opportunity for socio-economic development.”

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