Texas: 11-year-old girl dies after eating pizza at school, parents file lawsuit against the school

11-year-old Texas Student Dies from Dairy Allergy

An 11-year-old girl, Emerson Kate Cole, tragically died in La Joya, Texas, after consuming pizza at her middle school, which triggered a severe allergic reaction to dairy.

Incident details and immediate response

Cole ate pizza at school, developed an allergic reaction, and was taken to the nurse’s office. The medical staff contacted her mother, who consented to administer Benadryl. However, Cole vomited the medication and collapsed before her grandmother arrived. She passed away in the hospital two days later.

Parents file lawsuit alleging negligence

Cole’s parents have filed a lawsuit against the school, accusing it of negligence. They claim the school failed to follow her medical plan, which could have prevented the incident. They also argue that administering an epinephrine shot, a life-saving device for severe allergic reactions, could have saved her life.

Understanding dairy allergy

A dairy allergy is an adverse immune response to casein and whey, proteins found in cow’s milk. It is a common food allergy among children but can persist into adulthood. Those diagnosed with a dairy allergy should switch to alternatives like soy milk or almond milk to avoid health risks while maintaining nutritional intake.

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