Taliban set Afghan woman on fire for bad cooking



Taliban set Afghan woman on fire for bad cooking

Terror and violence against women are on the rise in Afghanistan. According to reports, a woman in Afghanistan was set on fire by Taliban fighters as they were unsatisfied with a meal she cooked. Here’s the full story.

Taliban fighters and their violence against women

Najla Ayoubi, a former judge told Sky news that the reports on violence against women by the Taliban fighters were on the rise. In this particular event, she alleged that the woman from northern Afghanistan was “put on fire because she was accused of bad cooking”. According to several reports, women across the country are in fear of losing their rights and freedom now that the insurgents have taken over the country.

“They are forcing people to give them food and cook the food. They also force families to marry their young daughters to Taliban fighters. I don’t see where is the promise. They think women should be going to work when we are seeing all of these atrocities,” she said. Ayoubi is currently in hiding just like several Afghan activists who fear violence and for their lives.

Throwback to the previous Taliban rule

During the Taliban’s rule between 1996 and 2001, women were not allowed to get an education or go to work. Additionally, they were also banned from leaving their houses without the company of a man. Women in Afghanistan were also forced to cover their faces or risk being punished. “The Taliban will come for people like me and kill me,” said Zafira Ghafari. She is a mayor and advocate for women’s rights.

As of now, the military group claims to respect women and their rights. Although it is only as long as it is within Islamic law. However, many are skeptical about the claim of respect. They expect the group to return to a cruel version of the Islamic ‘Sharia’ law. After all, that was the norm during the previous rule.

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