Strange ‘alien-like’ creature found on streets of Sydney amid heavy rainfall

Strange 'alien-like' creature found on streets of Sydney amid heavy rainfall

A jogger in Sydney’s Marrickville area was in shock when he came across a bizarre alien-like creature during his morning exercise. Harry Hayes was out jogging on February 28 when he came across a strange, unidentified-shaped animal. Biologists have been mystified by video of the strange alien-looking creature provided by Instagram user Harry Hayes.


“My gut says it’s some kind of embryo but with COVID-19, World War III, and the floods [going on right now] this could very well be an alien,” Hayes told LadBible. Sharing the video of the alien-like embryo on Instagram, Hayes captioned it as “Found this on the road, wtf is it?” In the video, he even pokes it with a stick, but the creature remains immobile.

No clear understanding of what the creature is

Biologists are unclear about the alien-looking creature. Biologist Ellie Elissa re-posted the visual on her Twitter account and asked the internet for answers. “What in the what IS this thing? I thought of a possum/glider embryo but I have no context or scale and none of my peers can agree,” she wrote. This is not the first instance of someone finding or coming across strange creatures. Roman Fedorstov, a fisherman, spotted a strange marine creature that resembled a “cheeseburger with teeth” last year. When Roman, 39, from Murmansk, discovered the strange object, he was working on a commercial fishing boat.

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